Roberta (Bobbi/Bob/Bio/Claw) Glass

Ms Glass is the universally unpopular Biology/Chemistry teacher who starts the sophomore year off with a swing by placing Sam and Brooke together.

In appearance very much the stereotypical mannish lesbian, she is in fact, a 43-year-old-old virgin of undetermined sexuality who takes out her many frustrations on her pupils.

Lily is the first to fall foul of her wrath when she refuses to dice Jehovah, her dissection frog. She gets an F and is forced to carry the frog with her until she does cut it. Ms Hall puts a stop to this. And later (ep29) Lily tells us she got dissection stopped altogether.

She sings the praises of straight-A student Brooke just before that critical mid-term exam that worries everyone else. The other cheerleaders (and Sugar) decide to cheat, Carmen foolishly buys one of Emory's excuse letters, and everyone else panics. Sam exposes the scam and Nicole takes the fall.

She lives with her sister, Jessie, the school nurse who also clashes with Lily, this time over the distribution of free condoms.

At Xmas, Ms Glass unexpectedly gives the class gifts, raises their GPA by a half point and cancels the final exam. In return, Nicole gets her fired from her Xmas job, but after a change of heart buys her a hairless pussy, a present for Jessie, who is a cat lover.

After flunking Emory, Ms Glass finds herself on trial. Sam points out she's failed 47 students in her 12 years at Kennedy. She says Emory is just lazy. Sam has another explanation involving her favouite song 'Sweet Gypsy Rose'. This leads to an outburst that destroys Bio's credibility.

When the girls become erratic at their 'lady time' the boys ask for information about menstruation. She gives them a video 'Fire Ants of Madagascar' that contains a hidden extra: Ms Glass as Veronica Pain hosting 'Pain TV'.

She ties them up before explaining about her seduction by Godfrey. She realises it isn't love (it isn't even sex) but he is now blackmailing her to continue dominating him. He appears and ties her up. Before he can sell them all into white slavery they escape. She calls his bluff and he agrees to leave her alone. She promises to reward the boys with A's for the rest of the semester (but she doesn't).

Sensitivity camp is run by herself and her brother, Rock, an ex-marine gunnery sergeant. He's tough, but even he can't break Nicole's iron will.

She's running an earthquake drill when new v-p Calvin Krupps arrives. She likes him, as do all the girls, so starts to wear high heels and engage him in conversation, she also joins his Tai Chi class, but all this is to no avail.

She becomes uneasy when Don Jackson, with whom she fished, bowled, and lifted weights, decides to become Debbie. She calls a special meeting of the School Board to have her dismissed. Debbie thinks it's because it hits too close to home. "You can make the leap too, Bob. Just be aware of the consequences."

At this time she meets Robin John. "Didn't I see you two weeks ago at the Melissa Etheridge concert?"

Sam calls Ms Glass on marking policy after she got a C and Brooke an A, just because her work was bound in leather. She informs Sam that her non-blonde status is endangering her GPA but agrees to a re-run of the assignment. Sam goes blonde and thus gets an A for handing in well presented blank pages while newly brown Brooke gets a D.

The last day of semester is normally 'skip day' but Ms Glass puts a stop to that. In revenge the class give her an e.coli flavoured shake. She spots this, gives them all F's, and collapses.

It turns out that she is under a voodoo curse and marked for death. However, Nurse Jessie's plan goes awry, and although Ms Glass loses a finger and most of her internal organs, thanks to Mary Cherry, who just happens to have the antidote in her purse, she makes a full(ish) recovery.

Next semester her replacement is arrested and so she returns to the fray. Her first act is to have the forever tree cut down, this is opposed by Lily and the others, but eventually Ms Glass fells it herself.

Concerned by lax moral values, she issues Baby Don't-Do-It dolls to the class in order to discourage teen pregnancies. Valuable lessons in responsibility are learned as a result.

Then Uncle Tipton unexpectedly arrives from Australia. He's eager to meet the husband and son she's written to him about. Desperate to hang on to the inheritance she is expecting from her rich-but-single relative (she dreams of winning the Dinah Shore Mini-Golf Tournament in retirement) she approaches Calvin and Harrison to fill the roles. They refuse, so she has to make do with Nicole, who wants $10,000 for her help, but Lily puts paid to her scheme by pretending to be another of her children. However, when Tipton attacks her failure to reproduce, the girls leap to her defence - a touching moment.

Her random pairing experiment in bonding provides Nicole with the opportunity for more mischief (and a joke about her having balls).

She discovers Carmen is sleeping at school and takes her home. The house is packed with kitch knick-knacks and her collection of pipes. She reveals her strange lifestyle and Carmen-like past. When she was 17 (in 1973) she too ran for homecoming queen, but lost against her idol-cum-tormentor Hellacious Akers. She decides that Carmen will not lose this time and backs her to the hilt. Carmen wins and returns home to support her alcoholic mother, and Bobbi gets to punch out Hellacious, a double victory!

National STD week prompts her to write a musical play (That Burning Sensation) which is hijacked by Harrison to make his own speech about waiting for the right person.

Later, when she demands that the class repairs her Ford Pinto, a newly confident Harrison intervenes again and slaps her down!

Discussing further education she informs Judy Julian that, with her poor results, she sees Nicole's future employment as a prison guard and advises a spell in the military. Lucky for Nicole, Judy has other ideas.

Lily raises the problem of homophobic name-calling and then sets up a support group which is strongly opposed by Ms Glass.

Examining her own behaviour, Lily finds herself apologising for constantly addressing her as "sir" (everyone does but she never seems to notice). She is touched, and admits that she has questions about herself. Lily takes her to a gay/lesbian centre to get some information. They are then set-upon by thugs. Ms Glass gives a good account of herself and the miscreants are arrested. 

The result is that she can't sponsor Lily's group as she said she would. She may be 40 (actually 44) but she's afraid of what she might lose by standing out from the crowd. The badly shaken Lily understands.

After showing a film about the preying mantis she taunts Nicole about her loss of position and indicates she only has her sex appeal to fall back on. Nicole proves her wrong by taking power through guile not sex.

Mary Cherry bribes her to sponsor an entry in the Big Head Challenge. At the same time Cherry Cherry pays Ms Glass to coach her through the SAT, but she ends up persuading her to go for the quiz instead and provokes a mother-daughter showdown.

After the spring break she thinks Harrison has contracted Rift Valley Fever and calls in the CDC. As the isolated school is then stalked by a masked killer she is first suspected then threatened. She confuses the killer when she begs for death, but she survives to gleefully inform the parents of her pupils misdeeds.

When Lily and Josh get married they move into her basement flat and are expected to do chores as well as pay rent. It's soon clear this isn't going to work out, but then the show ends, and that's all folks!

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