Title: Truth Or Dare

Author: AppleCore

Fandom: Popular

Pairing: Sam/Brooke

Spoilers: None

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Characters do not belong to me, they are the property of Ryan Murphy, or Touchstone, or Buena Vista or maybe all three, no copyright infringement is intended or inferred. I'm not making any money from them and I make no claim to them whatsoever.

Warning: F/F so if you're under 18 or living somewhere backward, please don't go on!

Feedback: Yes please (I'm a newbie, so be gentle)!

"No." Said Brooke. "No, no way in hell." She looked adamantly at Nicole and Mary Cherry. "Not Sam."

"Nope, it has to be Spam." Nicole had a wicked gleam in her eyes.

"I'll do it, but it has to be someone else... anyone else!" Brooke pleaded. They couldn't be serious!

"Nic, Ah ahdmire your depravity." Which was a serious compliment, coming from Mary Cherry.

"Thankyou!" Nicole smiled.


Two weeks earlier, in the aftermath of Sugar Daddy's party the three friends had decided to finish off a bottle of Cuevo with "I Never." Which had quickly morphed into "Truth or Dare". Which had inevitably deteriorated into "Dare." The problem with "Dare" was that there was only so much that one could dare someone to do in an empty house after the end of a party, and only so much one could dare someone to do on the spot. So before she knew it, Brooke had agreed to hang the teddybear her ex-boyfriend, Josh, had given her from the flagpole before school the following Monday. In those early days the loser would have had to eat lunch with April Tuna every day for a week. Then Mary Cherry had to wear an outfit entirely composed from the Seers catalogue to school and lunch with the Tuna no longer seemed enough of a penalty. By the time Nicole changed the generic screensaver in the school's new computer lab to a particularly gross scene from an internet porn site, the ante had been upped to the captaincy of the Glamazons. And the Game was still continuing.


But now Brooke was going to put her foot down. "But she's my stepsister!" She protested. "Well, almost, anyway."

"I know." The wicked gleam in Nicole's eyes was now matched by a grin of pure malevolence.

"But that's like...eeuw!" Brooke continued.

"I know."

That was it, end of the line. It was over, Brooke decided. It should have been over when they dared Nicole to steal Bobbi Glass' car and park it on the other side of the parking lot. It DEFINITELY should have been over when they dared Mary Cherry not to wear underwear to Glamazons practice. Brooke shuddered involuntarily at the memory. But now it was really over. This had gone too far.

"If you quit when it's your turn, then you'd be..." Nicole paused for dramatic effect, "The loser."

Brooke drew in her breath. Trust Nicole to go for the jugular. She would not be the loser of this Game. No way. She bit back her continuing protests and stared at her friends with resentment.

"Ahnd not just ah peck on the cheek, either." Clarified Mary Cherry.

"No." Agreed Nicole. "It has to last for at least... say... five seconds?"

Brooke said nothing.

"You're right, hon, ten."

Mary Cherry had found a flaw. She turned to Nicole. "But how will we know that she's done it?" She asked. "She could just tell us she has."

Brooke suddenly felt a thrill of sheer terror, watching the cogs move in Nicole's head. Not in public, pleaded Brooke silently. Nicole was nothing if not a sadist.

"How ahbout the cafeteriah?" Mused Mary Cherry.

Oh God, thought Brooke, suddenly wondering if being the cheerleading captain was worth this.

But Nicole kept her eyes narrowed on Brooke. The shorter blonde was having the time of her life humiliating her friends - true. But she was careful not to let their reps get too tarnished, especially Brooke's. That's why she had let Mary Cherry nearly go into anaphylaxis wearing Seers and not the former Homecoming Queen. Her own social standing depended on Brooke, Nicole was well aware of that and she was not about to endanger it. "Brookie will tell us the truth, won't you Brookie?"

"I'll tell you when it's done." Brooke stated slowly, over Mary Cherry's protests.

"Yes, you will."


Sam stuck her tongue in her cheek as she peered at the computer screen. She was completely absorbed in her article and did not notice her door opening until she looked up to see Brooke standing next to her desk, holding the latest issue of the Zapruder.

"Knock much?"

"Sam, I was wondering if we could talk?" Brooke had thought she had a plan, but now that she was faced with her quarry, she realised that she in fact had no idea how she was going to accomplish her task. Perhaps wooing would be in order.

"Uh, let me think." Sam crinkled her brow. "No." she finished. "Piss off, Brooke."

"I just thought..."

"Did it hurt?" Both of them winced at the lameness.

"God, you are such a pain in the ass." Brooke responded acidly.  "I was being civil. Maybe you should learn some manners." Brooke felt an all-too-familiar surge of anger. Screw the Game, she thought. It was so much easier to just let herself slip into a fight with her step-sister than to try and think seriously with a motive in mind. Then she steeled herself, momentarily seeing her fellow cheerleaders struggling against what would undoubtedly be a tyrannical regime under Nicole. There had to be a way.

Sam was responding with "And you could try learning to knock before you just barge in." These fights with Sam were like getting stuck in verbal tar. It was impossible to get away with the last word, there was always a rejoinder. The brunette was glaring at her combatively, Sam really seemed to enjoy herself at times like these, Brooke realised and was at a loss with her plan.

"Look, just forget it." She sighed. She would have to find another way to win the Dare, maybe wait until Sam was asleep or knock her unconscious.

"I have forgotten it," Sam commented archly. "Forgotten where I was up to before you so rudely interrupted me." It was the raised eyebrow that got Brooke, as it did every time, and all consideration of the Dare flew out the window.

"You know what, Sam," She began, "I was actually coming here to compliment you on the editorial you wrote about the health inspection of the cafeteria (that had been her plan), but I don't know why I even bothered." Brooke felt a thrill when she saw that Sam seemed taken aback.

"You... you liked my editorial?"

"I did, but then I remembered what an ass you are." Brooke was in the fighting zone now. "God, when are you going to grow up?"

"You're so self-absorbed!" Sam was stung by Brooke's slur on her maturity. "You probably only read the paper to see if I've written anything about you."

"And I'd have good reason."

"So did I - every time I wrote anything about you and your posse."

"Bullshit Sam, face it, you're just jealous..."

"And you're a hypocrite." Sam shot back, interrupting her. "And a cheat, and vain, and god, will you eat something already?"

That was a low blow, but not an unexpected one at this stage. Brooke grabbed the glass of water sitting on Sam's desk and threw it at her. The cold deluge stopped Sam for several seconds as she looked at Brooke in shock. Brooke felt pure glee at her expression. Then Sam was on her feet. She put both hands of Brooke's shoulders as she pushed her backwards toward the door. "Get out." Her eyes were black and flashing with rage.

Suddenly, through the fighting haze, Brooke saw her opportunity. With Sam so close, only inches away. She put both hands on either side of Sam's face, capturing her. She took a deep breath and kissed her on the lips.

And she suddenly saw stars. An unexpected flood of sensation made her forget momentarily why she was doing this. Then after a shocked moment Sam struggled to break away, the action causing Brooke's reason to foggily return and she held her firm.

One one-thousand, two one-thousand... Brooke counted off in her head, holding onto Sam for all she was worth. If she got away, Brooke was never going to find another opportunity to fulfil her Dare. She tried to push back waves of ... was that arousal?... that were threatening to overwhelm her. Three one-thousand, four one-thousand... Sam tried a desperate attempt to yank her head back and away from Brooke. The blonde grinned into the kiss as she held on. Five one-thousand, Six one-thousand... Sam finally stilled completely, allowing the kiss to continue and without the fight Brooke began to lose her own struggle. The blood in her brain had been rushing southward and now it seemed that there was none left to keep her brain functioning. Two one-thousand. Three one-thousand... How long was she supposed to keep this up? Suddenly she realised that Sam was kissing her back as her tongue wandered into the brunette's mouth. She moaned as soft hands curled around the back of her neck, pulling her closer. Oh well, one one-thousand, two one-thousand...


Finally she pulled away, breathing heavily. She looked into Sam's eyes which were still black, but not with rage now. She felt the loss of her lips for only a second, as Sam pushed back against her capturing her lips again and she felt her knees almost give way as she groaned. Definitely arousal, she realised as her left hand slipped from Sam's cheek to her collarbone and the other curled into lustrous brown hair. She had never felt anything like this before - not with Josh or Harrison. The soft sweetness of Sam was altogether new and she reacted strongly to it. Their bodies were pressed tightly against one another, she could feel Sam's breasts and her hips against her own. It was too much and she felt herself melting completely. Then Sam was pulling back, panting and Brooke realised that she was completely oxygen deprived herself.


"What the fuck was that?" breathed Sam.

"I honestly don't know." admitted Brooke.

"Can we do it again?" Sam asked.

"Umm. Yep." Brooke giggled as they reached for one another.


"Well?" demanded Nicole.

"Nope." Brooke shook her head, hiding a soft smile. "I'm the loser. It's not going to happen." She looked over Nicole's shoulder to where the Unpopulars sat and returned Sam's gaze. "You can have the Glamazons." Brooke had other priorities right now. "The Game is over."

The end.


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