Title: Hell and Bliss

Author: Majandra

Email: flavorlesschocolate@hotmail.com

Rating: NC-17 for language and sexual situations

Pairing: Eventual Brooke/Sam

Summary: Brooke wants someone. Sam wants someone. Brooke wants Sam. Sam wants... Harrison? That can't be right!

Author's Notes: For all you Harrison haters out there, rest assured he is but a means to an end. I do NOT intend for him to become a permanent fixture.

Part One

Practical Magic Is Practically Real Life

Sam sat staring at the TV screen as the words faded. How was it that Sandra Bullock, or, sorry, Sally, knew exactly how she was feeling? She rewound it and watched it again.

Yes, it was the same words, same sentiment, and the same feeling that the writers of Practical Magic somehow read her heart to write their movie. Stunned, Sam got up from the sofa and wandered into the kitchen. Brooke was there.

Brooke. Now, there was someone who had everything she needed in life. And Sam didn't mean materialistically, because she herself was fairly well off. She meant Josh. Brooke, without even really trying, had the relationship that Sam was longing for. To all who looked on, and there were too many to number, Brooke and Josh truly seemed to have that love, that love that time would lie down and be still for. Brooke had someone to love her.

Sam sighed heavily, causing Brooke to look up in surprise. "You okay, Sammy?" she asked. Sam looked at her with a strange expression on her face. It wasn't hate, as Brooke had come to expect, but it certainly wasn't sisterly love, either. It was, and Brooke hated herself for having to say this, but it truly looked like jealousy. She decided to gently probe further.

"There something bothering you?"

Sam quoted from the movie. "I dream of a love that time will lie down and be still for. I just want someone to love me." She rested her elbows on the counter, her chin in her hands. Brooke smiled sympathetically at her, but on the inside she was suspicious.

Hmm. Sighing Sam + Sappy Quote From Movie + Jealous Look On Her Face = Sam must want Josh! Brooke had never been outstanding at math, and this was a shining example. Adding two and two together, she'd come up with 57.682. Which, needless to say, was not the right answer.

"Sam, you know if there's anything you want to talk about, I'm always here for you, right?"

Sam smiled. Brooke was always so nice. That was probably why she had a boyfriend, and Sam didn't. God, she envied the blonde! Just to know that someone loved her, to know that if anyone was talking behind her back in the lunchroom, someone would stick up for her. To know that anytime she felt like smooching, she had a committed smooching partner. Sam realized her thoughts were taking a somewhat pathetic turn and forced a smile.

"Nah, it's all good," she lied. "I guess I'm just lonely. It's hard, you know? High school. I just feel like I need someone."

Brooke walked around the counter and put her arms around Sam. "Honey, you're too good for that, and you know it. You are NOT one of those people who need a constant crutch, who always has to be hanging off of someone's arm. I actually admire you for that. I wish I could be more like that."

"More lonely?" Sam scoffed, but she relaxed into the circle of Brooke's arms. "On some level, I know you're right. Still, I don't want to be alone forever."

"And you won't," Brooke reassured her. But in the back of her mind sat that niggling little feeling that Sam was after Josh. <But you can't have him. He's my guy. >


The next day at school, Josh came up to the two of them as they walked into the school, and walked a little way away from Sam who stood at her locker watching. Brooke offered her cheek to Josh, who pecked it, and then he smiled down at her, and she kissed him quickly on the mouth.

<Hmm, > thought Sam. <That's interesting. Brooke and Josh don't exactly look like the super couple I thought they were. >

But on the other hand, she mused, they were in school, the most public of public places. It wouldn't exactly do to be caught in a clinch, especially when the punishment for PDAs was detention.

Sighing again, she wandered off in search of her friends, and found them congregated in front of Harrison's locker. Lily seemed to be in a flap about some animal or another, and Carmen was patiently listening, while Harrison rifled round in his locker. Sam walked up and waved hi, pathetically.

"Hey," Lily and Carmen greeted her in unison. Harrison, however, was a little more perceptive. While the others walked ahead, Lily still over emoting and Carmen still patiently listening, Harrison wrapped an arm around Sam's waist.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours, Sammy?" he asked softly. Sam turned her head slightly to look in his eyes, and saw… something. She didn't know what, but it was more than she'd seen from any other guy.

<But am I only grasping at straws, > she pondered, before turning her mind back to the conversation at hand.

"Nothing major. As I was telling Brooke last night, I'm just lonely," she explained. Pouting prettily, she rested her head on Harrison's shoulder and made mock crying noises. They both laughed.

"Seriously, Sammy, you know, I'm always here if you need me," he assured her. Sam laughed bitterly.

"That's exactly what Brooke said, almost verbatim. But she's not going to be there for me while she's out on a date with the Golden Boy, is she?"

Harrison was mildly shocked, but he thought her knew where the problem lay. "Jealous much?" he queried, a smile on his face to soften the verbal blow.

"Not of her having Josh," Sam said quickly. "Just of her having SOMEONE."

"Oh, Sammy. You're going to find someone. I pity all these fools that call themselves high school boys. None of them can see what I can see: that you're beautiful, smart, funny, and any guy would be more than lucky to have you. Now let me see that sweet Sammy smile, okay?"

Sam smiled the aforementioned sweet Sammy smile, earning a half hug from Harrison. But inside, she was still lonely, lonely and confused.

<Now, I have to figure out what my problem is, > she mused. <What do I want? Do I want Harrison? Or do I only want him because he's there? Am I that desperate for someone to love? The solution to this problem is probably staring me straight in the face… but I can't see it. Not yet. In the meantime… >

Sam scribbled quickly on a scrap of paper.

Meet me at my locker tomorrow morning. We need to talk.

Upon receiving the note, Harrison looked up in surprise. Sam wanted to talk to him? What about?

Part Two

That Sickening Feeling

Brooke sighed. There seemed to be a lot of the sighing bug going around lately, she thought, grimacing internally at how cliché the whole situation was. She, Brooke McQueen, was now horribly out of love with her boyfriend.

And yet, she had to admit she hadn't expected it to last as long as it had. They were way too cliché. The head cheerleader and the one time captain of the football team, both blonde and gorgeous, both complete high school idols (even though she hated to admit it). They looked perfect together. This was the stuff that dreams were made of.

But more and more lately Brooke found herself wishing that it were just a dream. She woke up in the morning and she felt happy, and then she arrived at Kennedy and saw Josh, and her heart lurched. It was terrible, she knew, but she was beginning to dread the morning greetings, the afternoon farewells and the lunchroom sappiness. They made even her want to barf, just because it was so sickening. And Brooke wanted out.

It wasn't a new thought, by any means. Brooke had been thinking thoughts along these lines for up to and including six or seven months now, but she never had the guts to say anything to Josh. In light of recent conversations with Sam, however, she knew something had to be done.

Sam thought that Brooke and Josh were sublimely happy, Brooke supposed. And certainly, it must have looked like it from the outside. <Maybe that's why she's on this big love kick all of a sudden, > she realized. <She thinks we're the total Golden Couple, and she's jealous of that! But that doesn't explain why she wants Josh. She can't have him! >

Realistically, Brooke knew she had to drop him. But she was terrified. She was terrified that without Josh, people wouldn't like her as much. She was afraid of being alone, since she had yet to experience high school without a significant other. She was afraid of Josh finding happiness with Sam if she broke up with him, because she knew Sam deserved more than a cardboard cutout for a boyfriend.

Still, it had to be done.


Sam was in her room, lying on her bed staring at the ceiling, where she'd placed a large poster of the stars of Charmed, for no particular reason. So when Brooke left her own room and picked up the phone that was outside their bathroom, in the hallway, Sam could hear everything.

"She's probably going to call Josh so they can argue over who loves who more," she muttered to herself. <Green is SO not my color! >

But what she heard was far from expected.

"Hi, may I please speak to Josh? Yes, it's Brooke, Mrs. Ford. I'm fine, thank you, and yourself? That's good to hear."


"Josh, hi. Listen, we need to talk."


"Uh, okay."

Longer pause. Sam assumed this meant Josh was changing phones or something.

"Yeah. Um, it's kind of concerning us. I, uh, I don't really think it's working out."

<WHAT? > Sam mentally screeched. <Kennedy's golden couple is on the rocks? And I'm actually bearing witness to the breakup? Does life get more fucked up than this? >

"No, it's not really anything you did, as such. I mean, if I thought there was a chance we could work out, I'd take it, you know? But I just… I just don't FEEL anything anymore. God, I hate doing this over the phone…"


"Because I knew you'd be like this! Because you always assume the worst!"


"Okay, I guess you deserve that much. Be outside in ten?"

"Yeah, I know. It's a mess. But I can't think of any way to make this better, other than what we're doing. See ya soon."

Brooke hung up the phone, and the next thing Sam heard was a knock on her bedroom door. She quickly grabbed a book, so it didn't look like she'd been in there just eavesdropping on Brooke's conversation. "Come in," she invited.

"Uh, I'm just going out for about half an hour," Brooke said quietly. The look on her face told Sam that she wasn't looking forward to this particular outing. Sam sat up.

"Are you okay? You look kind of… I don't know, upset," Sam said carefully. Brooke grimaced.

"I kind of need a hug, actually… if you don't mind," she whispered. Sam needed no further bidding. She got up and walked over to Brooke, and wrapped her in a hug. Brooke rested her head on Sam's shoulder briefly, and then pulled back.

"Thanks, I needed that," she said, in the same quiet tone of voice. She made as if to leave, but Sam stopped her.

"Since we have a distinct lack of parental units, I'm starting supper in about half an hour, are you going to want any? I can tell by the tone of your voice the idea of your, uh, outing isn't exactly thrilling you, so you might not be hungry when you get in… I'm making pasta, with my own secret sauce…"

"You have a secret sauce? Oh, I'm going to have to try that," Brooke teased, the sparkle finally returning to her eyes. "Can you hold off on starting it till I get back? I won't be that long, and I want to help. Maybe pick up some pointers…" She finished the sentence with a giggle, indicating that she was teasing.

"Smart alec," Sam reprimanded, but she was smiling. "I'll start when I start. Bye for now," she called as Brooke went downstairs and out the front door.


Josh was waiting for her as she stepped out the front door, and the look on his face almost scared her. It wasn't sad acceptance, as she'd hoped. She knew he was going to try and force the relationship to work out. She didn't know if she had the strength to keep her resolve.

"Look, Brooke, I just have to say, I know we can make this work. There's got to be something we can do, something we haven't tried yet… Brooke, I love you."

Brooke flinched inwardly. He was bringing out what he thought were the big guns. The sad thing was, she wasn't flinching because these were the big guns. She was flinching because of the lack of impact the big guns had. "Josh," she began, steeling herself.

"Brooke, let me take you somewhere for the night. Let me show you, prove to you how much I love you."

Inside her mind, Brooke smiled. She had a way out of this ready made. "God, Josh, I'm sorry, but I can't tonight. I promised Sam I'd eat the dinner she's kindly preparing for me as we speak. And I was actually looking forward to it. So I really can't."

"Well, can I pick you up afterwards? Like, say, come by at nine or so? You'll be done by then, won't you?"

"Not tonight. It'll have to be some other time."

"Tomorrow night then. I'm going to rent a motel room and it's going to be great, I promise you… you won't regret it, honest."

Brooke was regretting even agreeing to meet him, but she forced a smile. "Great," she lied. "Listen, I gotta go, Sam said to be back in a half hour."

"Okay, babe. I gotta get going anyhow," Josh agreed. "Love you."

"Uh huh," Brooke managed to say, as Josh leaned in for an overly dramatic kiss, with, Brooke thought, entirely too much tongue. <Ugh, > she thought. <I can't believe I'm going through with this! >


She trudged through the door with a heavy heart, and was prepared to mope all evening. Until she saw the most adorable sight she thought she'd ever see: Sam in an apron, bending over a pot and tasting some sort of red sauce.

"Hi Brookie," she greeted. "Can you taste this? I think it needs a pinch more salt."

She lifted the spoon to Brooke's lips, and Brooke tentatively tasted the sauce. What she tasted warmed her heart from the very bottom. It made her forget, momentarily, all the mess with Josh.

"Oh my God, Sam! This is, without a doubt, the best thing I have ever tasted!" Brooke gushed. "God, where did you learn that? That's incredible! It's practically orgasmic!"

"Well, I wouldn't know, being the little old virgin in this equation," Sam blushed. "But thanks for the compliment, anyhow. Sit down, it's obviously ready."

If Brooke was honest, she probably ate more at this one meal than she had in a whole week of worrying what to do about Josh. It felt good to enjoy food, for once, without worrying what it was going to do to her figure. She wondered briefly why she wasn't worrying. She dismissed it, saying it was probably a side effect of time with Sam. Sam… made things seem less threatening.

"Are you ready to talk about it now?" Sam asked as they were doing the dishes. Brooke looked at her thoughtfully.

"You know what? I think I may be," she admitted. Letting the water out of the sink, they went through to the living room and sat down on the sofa, facing each other.

"It's Josh," she began. "I don't really think things are going as well as either of us would like, and I… I think I want to end it. But he doesn't. And he's planned this big night out for us tomorrow night, and I just know he means for the night to end with sex, and I just… I just can't."

"That time of the month?" Sam asked innocently. Brooke laughed.

"I wish it were that simple," she said. "But it's not. The thing is, and I can't believe I'm telling you this, but Josh… he thinks he's great in bed. But he's really, really not. I mean, really not. We've had sex twice. The first time, I expected it to be bad, I really did. I was prepared for pain, and fumbling, and awkwardness. And I got all of it, and more."

"How… how was it? I mean, how…"

"Honestly? It hurt. Not excruciatingly, but enough. But that would have been okay. I mean it was my first time. But he… he has no consideration. He just gets off… and gets off. The second time, I thought, it's going to be better. And it didn't hurt, but it didn't feel very good, either. I have never had an orgasm while having sex with Josh. And I just realized that was probably a total over share, and for that I apologize."

"No, don't, it's okay," Sam said hurriedly, but her face was a little red. "I mean this is all good for me to know, right? Considering my first time has yet to be an issue. Really you're doing me a favor. Giving me advice, almost."

"If you say so," Brooke conceded. "But I'm so scared that tomorrow night it's going to be the same story, and I'm just going to want to dump him even more."

"Well, I don't know what you want me to say," Sam began. "But I can say this, despite my remarkable lack of experience. You have to do what's right for you. If you don't feel right with Josh, then you don't belong with Josh. And he needs to go. But it you really love him, and want to make this work, you have to at least try. So let me ask you. What is it you want?"

"I want out," Brooke declared, with a kind of finality that she didn't even know she possessed.

"Then get out! You know what you have to do."

"I do, don't it." It wasn't a question.

Part Three

It's Not What You Think

And Sam knew what she had to do. She marched into school with determination and purpose. Then she saw Harrison standing by her locker and her heart melted. He looked adorable.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," he said back.

They stood there awkwardly for a second, neither of them knowing what to say. But Harrison had an excuse. He truly didn't know what this conversation was supposed to be about. Sam, on the other hand, was just tongue-tied. She quickly recovered.

"Come with me," she insisted, dragging him by the arm to an empty classroom.

Sitting him on top of one of the desks in the front row, she placed her books on the teacher's desk and turned to him. Then she took hold of the front of his t-shirt and kissed him.

He was shocked at first, and didn't know what to do, but eventually he remembered that kissing was supposed to involve two people equally. He began to kiss back tentatively. Sam licked his bottom lip, making him incredibly hot. His mouth opened and their tongues met, dueling hungrily. It was the best kiss he'd ever experienced. It was the only kiss she'd ever experienced. Having no basis for comparison, she concluded that she liked the way Harrison kissed, and she wanted to do it again, but not now.

"Come to my house tonight," she breathed as she broke off the kiss, pecking him on the lips one last time. "Brooke won't be there. I will."

Harrison was beyond speech, so he just nodded. All of his Christmases had come at once.


In Bio, Brooke noticed the look of surprised happiness on both Sam's and Harrison's faces. She passed a note to Sam.

What's the dealio with you and Harrison? And don't tell me it's nothing, because I know there's something. You seem way too happy for it to be nothing.
Love B

Sam turned to Brooke and smiled. Then she scribbled quickly.

H and I: now an item, as of this morning. Happy doesn't even begin to cover me. :) :) :)
Love Sammy

Brooke read the note three times before the news sunk in. As she turned to smile excitedly at Sam, nausea hit her suddenly and hard. Her hand shot up.

"McQueen," the Claw acknowledged.

"I need a pass to the bathroom. I'm about to barf," Brooke babbled, getting out of her seat as she talked. The Claw's eyes widened as she scribbled a pass, which she then slapped in Brooke's hand as Brooke ran for the bathroom.

Brooke made it to the Novak just in time to lose her breakfast in a most spectacular fashion. Relieved, she sat back and wiped her mouth on some toilet paper, and wondered why she'd had the sudden urge to vomit like that.

"It couldn't have been breakfast, I had the same thing I have every day. It can't have been last night, she's obviously made it before, and besides, she's not sick, just me. What happened before I got sick?"

The note.

"I'm barfing because Sam's found love with Harrison?" she asked herself, incredulously.

A toilet flushed and she heard Nicole's voice.

"Spam and the Port-A-John are doing the nasty?" she inquired in her oh, so tactful manner. Brooke sighed, stood up, flushed and exited the stall.

"Come now B. I can understand why the thought of that would make you nauseous. I would barf myself, if I'd eaten in the past three weeks."

"It's not that, don't be cruel. It's just…"

"It's just…?" Nicole prompted. "What, are you in love with Harrison, and can't stand to see Spam taking what you believe should be yours? Gross me out! Or wait, better, you're in love with Spam, and you can't believe Johnny John stole her out from under your nose when you're in love with her, and you think you should have sole rights to her bedroom? God, I slay me!" Nicole broke into uproarious laughter, congratulating herself on being so utterly her.

"It's not that!" Brooke protested. But her heart was beating strangely fast. She dismissed it as after effects of having recently barfed.

"Whatever, now she can take her big goo goo eyes off of you and Josh all the time."

Brooke made a hasty exit.


As the day drew to a close, Brooke thought briefly of claiming sickness as an excuse not to meet Josh that night. After all, she could be completely honest and say she'd been sick. He'd been in Bio when she'd made her spectacular dash for the Novak! But in her heart she knew she had to go, if only for some closure.

She went home and decided to shower before going out, but she found the shower occupied by an extremely chirpy Sam. Waiting patiently, she helped Sam pick out an outfit for her semi-date with Harrison, and then jumped in the shower herself.

It was a quick shower, and an even quicker decision about clothing. Brooke set out with halting footsteps to meet Josh at the front door. She dreaded the coming evening with every fiber of her being.

It was horrible. The dinner was nice, but stilted, and Brooke found herself wishing she were with Sam, who always knew what to say to make her laugh. But no, she was with Josh, and even if he was about to get dumped her still deserved her full attention.

And the clincher came after the dinner was over, and Josh led her to an inexpensive motel room. Inexpensive was actually being polite, as the place reminded of somewhere Faith the Vampire Slayer would choose as a temporary abode. But she followed him into the room, dreading the sex that she knew was going to follow.

Sure enough, as soon as the door was closed and locked behind them, Josh peeled his shirt off and moved in to kiss Brooke. She stepped back. He stepped closer, and they continued this pseudo-dance until Brooke's back was hard against the wall and Josh moved in for the kill.

"Wait," Brooke pleaded.

"What is it, baby?" Josh asked, a little out of breath. Brooke looked down and could see that he already had a raging hard on, and she wasn't even the slightest bit aroused. She knew for sure that if she went through with this, it would be like both of the other times: he'd get off and get off.

"I can't do this," Brooke admitted. "I can't sleep with you again. I'm sorry, but I just don't get anything out of it…"

"What are you talking about?" Josh exclaimed, aghast. "I thought you loved it. That's why I suggested this in the first place."

"Well, there you go!" Brooke snapped. "I DIDN'T love it, either time! Because you're insensitive, Josh, and you didn't cater to my needs! Don't you think maybe I would have liked to come? Or are you the only one that matters in this equation?"

Josh's mouth hung open, but his eyes narrowed. "You want to come? I think that can be arranged…" He moved to unbutton her blouse, but Brooke ducked to the side and stepped round so that he was against the wall.

"No, Josh. I can't do this. I'm going to go."

"If you walk out that door, you can kiss our relationship goodbye!" Josh raged.

Brooke blew him a sad kiss. "Goodbye, Josh."

Part Four

Two Loons On Loon Tablets

Meanwhile, back at the Palace.

The doorbell rang, and Sam bounced down the stairs to answer it. Before she got to the door she slowed to what she hoped was a sultry walk.

Harrison looked nervous, but excited, and he had with him a single white rose, which he knew were Sam's favorites.

"Come on in," she invited, taking the rose and going to put it in some water.

"Do you want anything to drink?" she offered half-heartedly. He shook his head no, and she was relieved, because what she really wanted to do was get him up in the bedroom. She was strangely anxious to find out for herself if what Brooke had said was true: if sex really did hurt.

She dragged him upstairs to her bedroom and shut the door behind them, then pushed him onto the bed. She climbed on top of him and looked into his eyes, before leaning down to brush the tiniest of kisses on his lips. He drew in a breath sharply. Then his head darted forward to capture Sam's lips in a kiss that Sam was surprised didn't set off the smoke detectors.

"Harry," she breathed as they broke apart. "Harry, I want you."

"Sam, we can't," he said regretfully. "I don't have any protection, and besides, it's way too soon. We should wait, and see if this goes anywhere."

Sam was reluctant to agree to this, but she could see the wisdom in his words. "Okay, then, let's just lie here and talk."

They must have lain there for two and a half or three hours, before the door slammed and Brooke ran in, crying. Sam immediately sat up, worried.

"I wonder what happened," she said absently. Harrison kissed her gently.

"Do you want me to go so you can find out?" he asked her, sensibly. Sam smiled ruefully.

"That might be the best idea."

He left after about seven more kisses, most of them by the front door. Sam watched him walk down the block to his house, and then went back upstairs to see what was wrong with Brooke. She found her curled up on her bed, crying helplessly. Sam ran to her.

"Brooke, what's wrong? Was it that horrible?"

"Oh, god, yes. We were about to, and then I said no, and then he got really nasty, and then I left." Brooke quickly told Sam the whole story between sobs.

"Can you stay here with me tonight?" she pleaded. Sam nodded.

"Oh, I'm sorry. How was your date with Harrison?" Brooke asked, wiping her eyes and settling down into Sam's embrace.

"Bastard wouldn't sleep with me," Sam joked. Brooke's eyes widened.

"But you wanted to?" she queried, her voice slightly teasing. Sam reddened.

"I don't know. I guess not. But he's such a good kisser, and I just lost control for a second. nothing really happened."

"Tell me everything," Brooke commanded, but she could feel the nausea rising in her again. Swallowing it down, she wrote it off as a crappy end to a crappy evening, and turned her attention to Sam.


The next morning all hell broke loose at school as the news of Josh and Brooke's breakup hit the grapevine, and the news of Sam and Harrison's new couple status did the rounds as well. So by the afternoon, Brooke was feeling thoroughly miserable due to Mary Cherry's over enthusiastic efforts at cheering her up, and Sam was feeling on top of the world after being congratulated heartily by Lily and Carmen.

Sam drove both Brooke and herself home that afternoon after a lengthy kiss goodbye with Harrison outside the car. Brooke slid down in her seat and tried not to watch, but she was starting to feel queasy again, and it was becoming clear to her what the cause of it was.

Brooke was jealous. She was jealous, not of Sam for having Harrison, who apparently was everything that Josh wasn't, but jealous of Harrison for having Sam, whom Brooke knew was everything she wanted.

Sam finally got into the car, her face one big grin. "God, he's great," she said absently as she started the car. Then she realized it was Brooke she was talking to. "Jeez, I'm sorry, Brooke. Could I be any more insensitive? How was your day? Was it awful? I saw Mary Cherry drag you into the Novak."

"It was beyond grotesque," Brooke informed her, tears filling her eyes. "I just don't know how to be Brooke McQueen by herself. I've only ever been Brooke McQueen, Josh Ford's girlfriend. I don't know how long I'm going to last without him."

"Brooke, you once said to me that I'm too good to need a constant crutch, too good to need to be constantly hanging off of someone's arm. Well, that's possibly true. But so are you! You are way too good for Josh, and he didn't deserve you anyhow. You're better off without him. However, if you really feel you need a crutch, lean on me. I'll be there for you."

"Thanks," Brooke sniffled. "That's nice to know."


Sam made supper again for the two of them. They chatted about mundane things, like what was on TV, music, celebrities, which were all normal teenage things to talk about. The subject of Josh and Harrison was carefully avoided, until they cleaned up after the meal and Brooke cleared her throat.

"So. when are you seeing Harrison again?"

"Don't know. It depends on you, really."

"Me?" Brooke asked, incredulously. "What have I got to do with anything?"

"I'm not ditching you for my boyfriend until you're feeling a bit better about being without Josh. and before you say anything, Harrison agrees totally. In fact, he was the one who suggested I be here for you."

"That's sweet, really, but I'll be fine. You should go and make out with your boyfriend."

"Nope. Sorry, no can do. You're still feeling like crap."

Sam went over to the closet and brought out the family Twister game. "And we're going to play Twister, because I feel like playing Twister with you. Is that okay with you, Princess?"

"Fine, whatever," Brooke laughed.

Twister is perhaps the best game ever invented for cheering someone up. How can you not laugh while trying to make your left hand get to the blue dot, when your opponent's right foot is right in your way, and you either have to go over it or under it? Either way means you're going to lose your balance and fall, laughing like a loon, onto the floor. It's the perfect game for cheering someone up.

"Left foot red," Sam instructed, spinning the spinner with her one free hand. Brooke bit her lip. How best to manage this without falling? No, it was impossible. Go for the most spectacular fall possible then. Under, over, around.

"There!" Brooke crowed triumphantly. Her left foot was on the red dot, and thus far she had maintained balance. "Now you, Miss Thing!"

But as Sam reached for the spinner again, Brooke's hand slipped and they both fell, laughing like two loons on loon tablets. They ended up on the mat with Sam helplessly sprawled on top of Brooke.

"It was your hand that slipped! You lose!" Sam shrieked. The laughter was leaving Brooke, and as she looked at Sam, her eyelids fluttered to half-mast.

"Funny how right now, I feel like the winner," she murmured, referring to the way Sam was on top of her. Sam stopped laughing as she caught the look in Brooke's eyes. Their faces moved closer and closer together. They were millimeters away from kissing, when.

"Hello?" Jane's voice rang out cheerfully. "What's going on, you two?"

Both girls cursed inwardly, although Sam wasn't entirely sure why she was cursing. She didn't want Brooke to kiss her, did she? Brooke, on the other hand, had been convinced that this had been the perfect opportunity, and Jane had fouled it up. They both put on their best smiles.

"Just playing Twister, Mom," Brooke informed her.

"Brooke lost," Sam put in, getting the giggles again.

But as they packed up the game and headed up the stairs, they kept shooting looks at each other, which couldn't be explained as anything but lust, and disappointment as their lost opportunity. Sam shook herself as if to get rid of the thought of kissing Brooke, and decided to call Harrison.

Part Five

Heating Up The Phone Lines

Brooke's body was humming. The sexual tension she felt when she thought about Sam was driving her mad, and she knew she had to do something about it before she went nuts. She locked her door and went over to the bed, removing her shirt as she went. Lying down on the bed, she undid the snaps on her jeans and tentatively pushed her hand down the front of them. She let out a shuddering breath as she inserted two fingers into her already slick channel.

"God, Sam!" she gritted out, moving her fingers in circles. She was close already, and she knew it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge. Her other hand reached down to flick her clit and she was almost there, almost. but not quite. and then she heard Sam out in the hall picking up the phone.

"Hey baby," Sam greeted. Brooke's breathing was getting more and more labored as she continued to move her fingers, and a small whimper escaped her as she heard the voice of the girl she was masturbating over.


"Yeah, she seems fine. We played Twister."


"It was so funny! I won, of course. Thank you, thank you!"


"Oh, that's so sweet. yeah, I know. Me too."

Pause, then Sam started giggling.

"I'm going to have to take this into my bedroom, then. Don't want Mom walking in on it, do we?"

There was a clicking sound as Sam detached the phone from the wall and took it into her room, where Brooke could no longer hear her. It didn't matter. Hearing as much as she did was enough to push her over the edge, and she exploded into orgasm as she heard the last of the conversation in the hall.

"Yeah, I want you too."


Sam was reeling. She was about to have phone sex with Harrison, her best friend since forever! But she was excited. She wanted this. She wanted this more than almost anything else she could think of.

"Okay, I have to admit I've never done this before, Harrison," she said quietly, embarrassed.

{Don't worry about it. I'll steer you through the curves. I'll just talk, and you do what I say, okay?}


{First, lie on your bed and take off your top. Are you wearing a bra?}

"Well, no, but I can put one on if you want."

{No, it's okay. Now, reach up and cup your breast. Pretend it's me doing it. because if I were there, that's what I'd be doing. I love your breasts.}

"Mmm," Sam moaned. "God, yes."

{Now I'm kissing my way from your jaw down your neck, down your collarbone to your chest, and I'm taking one of your nipples in my mouth. Can you feel it?}

"Yes." Sam groaned. "I can feel it. what can I do to you?"

{Whatever you want.}

"Um." Sam was breathing hard, and they had barely even started. "Take off your pants. uh. can I, uh, touch you. there?"

{You mean my dick? You can if you want. It's all up to you, baby.}

"Okay, I'm touching it, and I'm stroking it gently. I'm kissing the tip and I'm dragging my hand up and down it, and. do you like it?"

{Sam, I'm doing what you're saying as you say it, and it has never felt this good. I mean never. Okay, I'm kissing lower. I'm flicking my tongue into your bellybutton.}

Sam let out a strangled moan as she envisioned everything Harrison was saying. She was close. but she wasn't quite there. Harrison was in the same predicament. He decided to help her out, though.

{I'm putting two fingers inside you, ever so gently. and I'm stroking you gently. with my other hand I'm pinching your clit. Are you doing it?}

Sam was doing it. And with this last instruction she shattered. Orgasm was fairly new to her, as she didn't engage in "double clicking the mouse" very often, and very rarely to this result. She lay there, trying to catch her breath, knowing she should help Harrison finish.

{Baby. I'm so close. God, I'm so hard, it's painful. Say something sexy, go on, and I can finish.}

"Uh," Sam managed, but Mike standing at the top of the stairs and bellowing cut off her thoughts.

"Girls! Come and see the slides!"

"I have to go," she told Harrison reluctantly. "If I were there, I'd kiss you and make it better, but as it stands I'm afraid you're going to have to finish yourself off. I'm so sorry baby."

{Sam, wait. don't go yet. Argh!}

But Sam had hung up.


Harrison lay on his bed, his balls constricting painfully as he pulled a sheet over himself, trying to calm down.

"Oh, who am I kidding? Cub scouts could camp under this thing!"

He reached down and began to finish the job, muttering under his breath that next time he and Sam were in a clinch, he was going to make it pure, sweet torture.

Part Six

Revenge Is Supposed To Be Sweet

Needless to say, the next few months passed almost uneventfully. Brooke and Sam continued to be friends, and Harrison and Sam continued to date. Every time they went out the evening ended in heated make out sessions, but never went any further than that. And for some reason things never made it quite as far as they had that night. 

Sam had kept Brooke updated with everything, including the phone call that had ended so abruptly. Brooke had laughed to hear of Harrison left in such a predicament, but she was more than a little jealous.

<If Sammy ever left me like that, I think I'd have to go after and make her finish! > Brooke thought. <Harrison doesn't know how lucky he is to have her. >

But he did. And as their three-month anniversary drew closer, he decided that he was going to make this particular anniversary special.

Brooke couldn't stop thinking about Sam and Harrison. She knew they hadn't slept together, but just the thought of them making out made her feel queasy. She knew she had to say something to Sam. but what could she say? "Oh, I think it's great that you love Harrison so much, but could you not tell me about it because I'm in love with you and hearing about the two of you makes me sick to my stomach?" It would have gone over like a lead balloon.

So she played the nice sister type figure, all the time knowing that her heart would break again if she had to take much more of this.


Sam was on top of the world. Harrison had just called her and told her to meet him at his house for her anniversary surprise, and she couldn't wait to see what it was. She hoped it was something pretty like a necklace or a bracelet, or earrings. It could be earrings. She hoped it was earrings.

But when she knocked at the door of Harrison's place, his Mom answered the door and told her to come in and wait. She (Sam) was wearing a knee length black skirt with a baby blue tank top, and strappy sandals, which was fairly dressy for her. She was glad she'd made the effort when she saw Harrison. He was wearing black pants and a black shirt, complete with collar, and a black tie. He looked absolutely. edible. Sam licked her lips unconsciously.

"Hi," she said, shyly.

"Hey, babe," Harrison replied warmly. "Let's go, the car is waiting."

"The Car" turned out to be a rented limo, which took them to a fancy restaurant where they had a delicious meal, then to a hotel. An expensive hotel, Sam noticed.

"Harrison, not that I mind, but how are you going to pay for this?"

"I've been putting money away for ages, and my Mom helped out. She says to say congratulations, by the way, on making it to three months."

"Tell her I said thanks," Sam grinned. "Wow. This place is huge," she commented, looking around their room. It was. The best bit, as Harrison kindly pointed out, was the bed. King sized, it occupied a little platform slightly higher than the rest of the room.

Shedding her jacket, she moved toward him. He smiled and clapped twice, dimming the lights and starting music before holding out his arms for her.

"Shall we dance?" he asked. She grinned, leaning her head on his shoulder.

They swayed gently to the music for a while, enjoying the feel of being close to each other. Finally Sam made the first move, pulling him to the bed. After that, however, Harrison took charge.

He peeled Sam's top off her and smiled down in awe at what he saw, even though it wasn't the first time he'd seen this particular view. "God, every time I see you it's like seeing you for the first time. You're so beautiful."

"Thanks," Sam said, a little embarrassed. The look on her face turned to pleasure when he kissed her, at the same time cupping her breast. When he pinched the nipple she squeaked, as she hadn't been expecting it.

He lost no more time in undressing her the rest of the way. When she was naked, she whimpered, "You have to take your clothes off too, or else it's not fair." He smiled, but didn't take off any more than his shirt and tie. He bent down and took a nipple in his mouth, sucking gently, and then not so gently. Sam moaned long and low, if this was foreplay then she was hoping the sex was half as good as this!

Moving lower, as in the conversation they'd had on the phone so long ago, he kissed down to her bellybutton, where he flicked his tongue. Sam's eyes flew open in recognition. So he was going to recreate that phone call, huh? Well, good, she'd liked that.

But it came as a complete surprise to her when she felt his hands part her thighs. "Is this okay?" he asked her, not wanting to do this if she didn't want him to.

"Yes," she breathed. "God, yes, I need. more!"

So he placed an open mouthed kiss on her lower lips, taking her breath away. Inserting his tongue deep inside her, he proceeded to bring her to the brink of orgasm. then he pulled away.

"Harrison," Sam whined frantically. "God, finish it!"

"This is just like the time you left me hanging after our little phone sex episode," Harrison mused. "So I think you should finish the same way I did. Yourself."

Shooting the dirtiest glare at him she could muster in her current state, Sam couldn't help the few tears that leaked down her cheeks. "Please, Harrison? God, it hurts!"

But he sat back and watched her. "Come on, baby. I want to see you touch yourself."

Reluctantly Sam moved her hand and readied herself to finish what Harrison had so cruelly started. Her tears were coming faster now, and she wanted nothing more than to walk out on him, but she knew in this state she had no hope of even standing up, let alone walking. So she pushed two fingers inside herself, hissing at how sensitive she was feeling.

Harrison wasn't a total spectator. He "helped" by nibbling on Sam's nipple. But Sam herself did the majority of the work, and she felt cheated. This was not the fulfilling night of passion she had envisioned when they had first entered the room. More than that, she felt dirty. And she wanted out.

The orgasm wasn't long in coming, but because of Sam's feelings towards Harrison at that moment, it wasn't long in leaving either. As soon as she was back to herself she stood up and got dressed.

"What are you doing?" Harrison asked, confused. "It was a joke. I thought it would be sexy."

"Yeah, well, it wasn't!" Sam sobbed. "It was degrading, and it hurt! Not just emotionally, but physically! God, I thought you were better than that! I can't even look at you. Don't call me, Harrison. I'll call you, IF and WHEN the mood strikes me. How could you even think that would be sexy? I need to call a cab."

Looking in her purse, however, she discovered a distinct lack of funds. So instead of a cab service, she called Brooke.

Part Seven

If You Need Me, Call Me, No Matter Where You Are, No Matter How Far…

If Brooke was surprised to receive a phone call from a tearful Sam at eleven at night, she didn't show it. Instead she pulled a sweater over her Christmas jammies and jumped in the car to pick her up.

Sam was beyond tears when Brooke pulled up outside the hotel, but when she saw the blonde coming towards her she broke down again. Brooke forgot about her embarrassing pajamas when she saw how upset Sam was.

"Jesus, Sammy, what did he do to you?" she asked, concern evident in her voice. Sam collapsed in Brooke's arms, sobbing. As she led the distraught brunette out to the car, Brooke silently vowed to get even with Harrison, whatever he'd done.

Sam gulped and sniffled out the whole story in the car on the way home.

"And he made ME finish it, he wouldn't even do that much for me!" she finished with a wail. "It was so humiliating, and then he thinks I'm going to just let him have sex with me! He thought he was being sexy! It was the worst night of my life!"

"Oh, Sammy," Broke consoled, patting her on the hand as best as she could while driving. "This isn't the end of the world, much as I know it feels like it. You really like Harrison, and he was just an idiot. He will get better at this. At least you came close. Josh didn't give me even that much."

"Well, this is true." Sam conceded. "But still… I can't even look at him anymore."

"Do you want to break it off with him?" Brooke asked, steering the car into their drive. Shutting off the engine, she turned to face the still sniffling Sam.

"I don't know. I really like him… but I really, really didn't like what he did to me. Still, I could tell that if we ever did have sex, he'd be better than Josh Ford… no offense, by the way."

"None taken. So you're just going to let him sweat for a couple days?"

"A couple days? Try a couple of weeks! Now, I need ice cream!"


The two girls sat at the kitchen counter and ate more ice cream than Brooke thought they even had in the refrigerator, and then adjourned to Sam's bedroom where they had a nice long bonding session over both Josh and Harrison.

It was getting close to three in the morning when Sam finally yawned and said she'd had enough for one night. Brooke got up as if to leave, but Sam reached for her.

"No, please don't leave," she said. "You owe me one night of comfort at least." Sniffling, she rubbed at her eyes with one hand. "Nice jammies, by the way."

"Ah, thanks," Brooke replied, embarrassed.

In bed, they lay side by side, awkwardly. Sam had been expecting slightly more comfort than this. She not so subtly moved closer to Brooke, and physically demanded to be held.

But Sam's body, cheated from the sex it thought it had been going to get, was still humming. Brooke could feel the warmth radiating off of the brunette's body.

"Sammy, you okay?" she asked, tentatively.

"Um, not really," Sam admitted, embarrassed. "I guess I'm still all… uh, worked up… from Harrison, if you know what I mean."

"You're worked up… Oh! Worked up! I get it… trust me, I get it," Brooke reassured her. "Don't take this the wrong way, but is there anything I can do to help?"

Sam's face went bright red. "Is there a right way to take that?" she spluttered. Calming down, she considered. What exactly had Brooke been offering? The road was too risky to actually contemplate what it could have been. She took the safe road: ignorance. "I don't really think so."

"If you're sure."

<But I'M sure! > Brooke screamed internally. Sure, she'd been mentally kicking herself for suggesting helping get Sam off (because that's what it had been, no matter what way Sam had chosen to take it) but when it came down to it, she'd been hoping Sam would say yes. Now there was nothing left to do but go to sleep.

Yeah, right. Like that was possible now.

Part Eight

A Helping Hand

Sam lay awake and listened to Brooke's breathing. Quite apart from the humming in her body that wouldn't be ignored, something else was slowly making itself known to her: her love for the gorgeous creature sleeping beside her.

<Jesus, why didn't I say yes to her? She was practically offering me sex, and I didn't take it, > Sam wailed. <If I understand right, she wants to fuck me, and I turned her down. Oy veh, I'm such a putz! >

Sam had no idea when she'd turned into a middle aged Jewish woman, but that was beside the point. Her body was nearing the point of pain, and something had to be done about it. Getting up and relieving herself in the bathroom was out of the question, because hers and Brooke's limbs were entangled in such a way that she couldn't get up without waking the blonde.

Realizing there was only one other option, she carefully reached down…

"Sammy?" Brooke murmured sleepily. "Why are you stroking my leg?"

Sam's face went bright red. "Sorry, I thought it was mine," she said, immediately regretting her words. <Now she's going to know what I was trying to do! >

Brooke came more wide-awake as she processed what Sam had said. "God, Sam, I knew you needed to fix it! Now won't you please let me help you?"

"Brooke, I really don't think that's a good idea," Sam spluttered, but Brooke hushed her with a finger over her lips.

"Ssh, Sammy. No talking, just feel. This can be just for tonight, if you want. But you need some help." Sam was beyond replying. Brooke leaned in and replaced her finger with her lips.

It was as if someone had lit a fire in Sam's lower stomach area. As soon as she felt Brooke's lips touch her own, she knew she couldn't stop this now, even if she had wanted to. She kissed Brooke back with a passion that seemingly came from nowhere, and the fire grew.

Brooke pushed Sam onto her back and climbed on top of her, straddling her hips. "You're going to love this," she assured the brunette. Kissing her one more time for good measure, Brooke undid the buttons on Sam's pajama top, revealing her breasts.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Brooke breathed. "God, Harrison so did not deserve you. Can I touch you?"

Unsure why Brooke was asking permission when thus far she had been taking control of the proceedings, Sam nodded wordlessly. Brooke brushed her palm over one of Sam's breasts, and smiled at the gasp that Sam emitted. Taking things a little further, she leaned down and took the nipple into her mouth. A high keening sound came from the brunette as she squirmed under Brooke, trying to relieve the pressure building up inside her. Brooke could tell this wasn't going to be a long drawn out lovemaking session. Sam wouldn't be able to take it.

Going straight for the kill, she reached between Sam's legs and ever so gently pushed a finger inside where Sam needed it most. The squirming became bucking and Sam strove for the release she so badly needed, and Brooke, although she'd never done this to another female, scooted backwards and placed an open mouthed kiss on Sam's aching lower lips. Sam squealed – that was the only was to explain the sound she made – and bucked violently. When Brooke extended her tongue and pushed it deep inside, that was all that was needed to send Sam spinning over the edge.

She came with a howl of "Brooke!" and as her body convulsed, Brooke was there to hold her.

"Thank you," were the first words she could gasp out. Brooke grinned, wrapping the shuddering brunette in her arms.

"You're more than welcome," she whispered, capturing Sam's lips in what she felt sure would be their last kiss.


In the morning, it was hard to believe that what had happened, had happened. But the feeling of well being that Sam felt coursing throughout her veins, coupled with the musky scent in the room gave testament to the fact that Brooke had indeed `helped' Sam through her rough patch.

Sam was almost afraid to look Brooke in the face. She couldn't believe she'd given in to her baser instincts and let Brooke touch her like that. What she didn't know was that Brooke was feeling the same way. But when she rolled over, she realized Brooke wasn't there. Brooke had left the building, thank you very much. And Sam felt more lost and alone than ever.


Brooke was huddled in a heap on her bedroom floor. It had seemed like a good idea at the time! But in the cold light of morning, she swore black and blue she was going to avoid Sam at all costs. There was no way a friendship could remain intact after something like that.

Far from being a good idea, `helping' Sam had been the worst idea in her entire eighteen years of existence.

Part Nine

Was Blind, But Now I See

Tears ran down Sam's face as she stood in the shower. It was still early, but she wanted to get out of the way so she wouldn't have to see Brooke. It was painfully obvious from the blonde's actions that she thought the events of the night before to be a mistake. As the water coursed over her body she let memories run through her mind. most of them of Brooke's hands on her body.

She cut off that train of thought with a choked sob. For whatever reason, Brooke had deemed her unworthy of anything more than a casual fuck. But what could her reason be? Was she. could she be worse in bed than Josh? Admittedly, she hadn't exactly returned the favor in the heat of the moment, but if wasn't as if she wouldn't, or couldn't. it's just. she didn't.

Suddenly she realized she couldn't justify not repaying the favor. And the fact made her cry all the harder, because she was certain she had found the reason Brooke didn't want her anymore.


Brooke could hear Sam crying in the shower, and she just wanted to die. To have made her feel this bad this soon after her bad experience with Harrison. it was despicable. She was a despicable person. She should never have fucked with Sam's feelings like that, should never have fucked with Sam full stop. But what else was she supposed to do? Sam would never have been able to go to sleep feeling the way she did. So all Brooke really did was help.

And did more harm than good, apparently.

When Sam got out of the shower, Brooke went into Sam's room and waited. She felt terrible for leaving, and had decided she needed to talk to her. However, when Sam walked into the room and saw Brooke sitting on the bed, her face crumpled again. She thought Brooke was there to tell her exactly what a bad fuck she had been, and how she was even less considerate than Josh. Well, Sam did NOT need to hear that right now.

"Get out," she whimpered. "Don't say anything. I can't. I can't talk to you. I can't look at you. Please, just leave. Please."

Brooke's face contorted with pain. How could she tell Sam how she was feeling if Sam couldn't even stand to be in the same room as her? "Sam," she began helplessly.

"What part of GET OUT weren't you coping with?" Sam screamed, collapsing into sobs. She clutched at the towel around her shaking form, making sure it was concealing as much as it could.

Brooke got up and ran from the room, down the stairs and out the front door. Sam heard Brooke's car starting and felt worse than ever as she listened to her peel out of the drive.


Brooke drove around for about an hour before deciding on a destination. She drove up Harrison's driveway and shut off the engine. Storming up the front walk, she banged on the front door and waited for it to be answered. Harrison himself came to the door, looking rumpled and bewildered. Brooke lay into him.

"What the hell is your problem, you jerk?" she snapped. "You don't just get someone that worked up and leave them like that on purpose. That's just cruel!"

"Brooke, I get the feeling that this is about Sam, and I just want you to know that it's none of your business. Besides, it's no different from what she did to me. So please, leave, so I can go back to bed." Harrison's tone was cold. Brooke's fury more then doubled.

"You insensitive prick!" she raged, slapping him in the chest. He stumbled backwards, and Brooke followed. "I had to help Sam fix the damage you caused! Or, to dumb it down for you, I was the one who ended up getting her off! And now she's not talking to me! So YOU are responsible for ruining the best friendship I ever had!"

Harrison's face went red. "I should have known you felt like this about her. How could you not?" he sneered. "I bet you're really proud of yourself now, Brooke McQueer, really proud. This is what you've wanted all along, isn't it? Now go away!" He slammed the door in her face. She spluttered helplessly for a moment, unable to process what he'd said, but luck was with her. Her voice held true as she delivered her parting blow.

"That phone call does NOT equate to last night!" she screamed. "She left you hanging because she had to. YOU left HER hanging cos you're a vindictive bastard with a small prick!"

Satisfied, she spun on her heel and threw herself back into the car. Brooke was doing her best 'Lucy' - she had some 'splaining to do.


Sam heard the car pull into the drive just as easily as she'd heard it pull out a couple of hours ago. She tensed, steeling herself for the confrontation she was sure was coming.

Brooke walked into the house with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. She felt sure that once Sammy heard what she had to say, everything would be fine once again.

The reunion was cut short by the phone ringing. Brooke tried desperately to catch Sam's eye before she disappeared up stairs to answer it in privacy.

"Hello?" she answered cautiously.

{Sam, its Harrison,} came the voice at the other end.

 "What do you want, creep?" she asked him, barely disguising the contempt she felt for him. The answer she got surprised and shocked her.

{Sam, I think we both know this isn't going to work, especially after last night. Brooke even came and told me off for what I did to you. and I am sorry. But I don't love you, Sam. And I don't think you love me. I know that Brooke loves you, though. Maybe you should talk to her. She'd be better for you than I could ever be.}

Sam hung up the phone without saying goodbye, and went down the stairs in a sort of daze. The first thing she saw was Brooke, watching her descent with a pleading expression on her face. She knew Brooke thought she was angry, but if she really thought about it, she knew she wasn't angry. Not with Brooke. She smiled weakly at the blonde.

"Talk, then. Convince me you don't hate me," she said in a small voice.

"Who was that?" Brooke hedged.

"Harrison, dumping me. Now, can I hear from you?"

Brooke took a deep breath.

Part Ten

What's Plan B?

"Sam, last night was…"

"A mistake?" Sam cut her off, bitterly. Tears filled her eyes, and Brooke rushed to her side.

"God, no. Last night was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced in my life, and I can't believe you would let me make love to you. You were incredible."

"So why'd you leave?" Sam said, still not quite believing her. Brooke pulled her into a hug.

"I was afraid that the cold light of day would make you think you'd made a mistake in letting me love you. I was scared you wouldn't love me back. But Sam, I never gave you a chance. I'm so sorry."

"What makes you think I love you, Brooke?" Sam queried. Brooke sighed.

"This," she said. She didn't know where it had come from, but the tiny extra bit of courage was all she needed to lean forward and bring her lips to Sam's.

Just as it had been the night before, the touch was incredible. Both girls immediately forgot why they had been fighting, as they strove to get nearer to each other. Sam was nervous, but all thoughts of fleeing were driven from her head as she felt Brooke's tongue glide over her bottom lip. She let her lips part. Before she knew it their tongues were dueling, dancing a dance as old as time.

As Brooke drew back, she had to smile lovingly at the look on Sam's face. It was a look of sheer disappointment that the kiss had ended coupled with the flush of the need to breathe. Sam's eyes were still closed, and her lips were still slightly puckered, as if she were still kissing Brooke. The blonde placed a finger over the full lips to hush the whimper that Sam was making at the lack of contact.

"I love you, Sam," she whispered. "It's been bugging me for ages, and I tried to make it go away, but it won't, and I don't want it to. I'm in love with you, so much it hurts."

"I know the feeling," panted Sam. "I need… Brooke… Kiss me?"

A small smile curled Brooke's lips. "Well, we could stay here and kiss all night," she began. Sam's face lit up.

"I like that plan," she responded, stepping closer to the blonde – if that was even possible.

"Or," continues Brooke, "we could adjourn to the bedroom and see where the night takes us."

Sam grabbed Brooke's hand and practically dragged her up the stairs. "Plan B works for me!"

Once in Sam's bedroom, Sam suddenly became shy. It wasn't that she didn't want this. It was more than she didn't have a clue what to do. Brooke took over and led her to the bed, kissing her soundly. Sam whimpered with passion.

"Can I touch you?" Brooke asked for the second time in two days. Instead of nodding, however, Sam shook her head, her bottom lip firmly grasped in her teeth. She let it go long enough to speak.

"My turn," was all she uttered before reversing their positions abruptly. Brooke was now underneath, and she knew she was going to love every second of having Sam's warm weight on top of her.

Part Eleven

Hell and Bliss

Sam lowered her head and brushed her lips against Brooke's. Brooke moaned and tried to deepen the kiss, but Sam had decided she was going to tease, and moved her head back out of range, leaving Brooke no option but to stick her bottom lip out endearingly.

"Come on, Sammy, please!"

Sam just laughed, and bent back down to kiss her more thoroughly, plunging her tongue deep into the recesses of Brooke's mouth. Brooke murmured appreciatively, running her fingers up and down Sam's sides. Sam suppressed a shiver.

"That feels good," she whispered against the blonde's lips. Brooke grinned. Sam wasn't going to have things all her own way. She arched her back so her body came into full contact apart from their clothes. Sam knew she had to do something about that.

"I want you to… take off your clothes. I want to feel all of you body against all of my body, and I don't want any barriers."

Brooke grinned as she removed her blouse. Sam was already, without even having touched her, better than Josh by a country mile. She giggled.

"What's so funny?" Sam asked suspiciously, in the process of unbuttoning her jeans.

"You make me weak in the knees… and wet a few inches higher," Brooke told her in her sexiest deep husky voice. Sam's throat went suddenly dry, and she gulped.

"Really?" she asked incredulously.

"Oh, god, yes," Brooke moaned, as she pulled a very naked Sam back on top of her equally naked self.

Sam kissed Brooke again before moving on to her breasts. She couldn't get over how big they really were, so round and full. You would have never guessed, to look at her clothed, but Brooke was really very well endowed. Sam busied herself licking a trail around the right breast, moving in concentric circles, getting ever closer but never quite reaching Brooke's aching nipple. Brooke whimpered.

"Please!" she begged.

Sam gave in and pulled the rock hard nipple into her mouth, sucking firmly. She felt a rush of warm liquid hit her thigh where it was nestled between both of Brooke's, and heard the long low moan emanating from the blonde's mouth, and knew she was doing it right. Next she released the nipple and blew on it, making it stand even more to attention, before moving over and giving the left breast the same treatment. Her thigh was getting wetter and wetter, and she could feel herself growing wet. She knew she was close, and Brooke was even closer.

Moving lower, she tested the waters with a finger. It felt warm and wet, and absolutely wonderful, and much better than when she did this to herself. She added another finger and began to pump, the way she herself liked it. Brooke moaned loudly, her head flailing from side to side.

"Oh, God, Sammy, please! I'm so close!"

Sam added a third, which was a tight fit, but Brooke seemed to like it. Last but definitely not least she bent her head and added her tongue to the mix, and this sent Brooke over the edge. With a wail of Sam's name she came hard, clinging to Sam. Sam grinned. She had finally returned the favor of the night before.

"Oh God… Oh God… Oh God…" Brooke panted as she came back to herself. "Okay… okay… okay… It's your turn now… I just… need a minute…"

"It's okay," Sam said, pulling Brooke into her arms. "I got my turn last night. Now al I want is to hold you, fall asleep with you and wake up to your beautiful face. So don't go leaving in the night like this morning, you hear?"

Brooke smiled sleepily. "Okay, baby. But first, I want to tell you something…"

"What is it?"

"Loving you… it was hell and bliss, the whole time. Hell, because I was sure you'd never feel the same way. But bliss, because of moments like this. Hell and bliss… hell and bliss…"

And with that, Brooke drifted off to sleep, a smile on her face and a Sam in her arms. Sam followed her not long after.

To explain the madness of you
To complain of the sadness involved with knowing you
To forget the revolting thought of going through
The regret and the healing that I'd have to do

Through my eyes the sky is pretty, and you
Promise you'll join in the flight
But I can't deny the gritty thought
That you can't take the height
You can look at this as one big fall
Life will be both hell and bliss
Or it will be nothing at all

So I just ask you now to choose
Don't you think it's worth it
Even if you lose?

How can I begin to speak
When actions measure true feeling
Though your words do leave me weak
You movements always leave me kneeling
The true test of time is distance
But I am not willing to see
I won't damage with nonsense
What actions show is meant to be

Through my eyes the sky is pretty, and you
Promise you'll join in the flight
But I can't deny the gritty thought
That you can't take the height
You can look at this as one big fall
Life will be both hell and bliss
Or it will be nothing at all

So I just ask you now to choose
Don't you think it's worth it
Even if you could still lose?

Lyrics copyright 2001 Majandra Delfino

The End

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