Title: Son of Sam

Author: Replica

Pairing: Sam/Brooke

Email: replicapants@yahoo.se

Feedback: would be lovely, thank you.

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, they belong to other people. People with money. And if I'd had money, they would be mine. Moahahaha.

You are in serious McTrouble young lady!

Sam was sitting on Brooke’s bed repeating the words ‘this is not happening’ over and over again in her head. She had serious problems thinking straight. The strangest thing had happened and she didn’t have a clue what to do about it or what to think of it. She tried to pinch her self out of the assumed dream, but this was no dream.

It was 18 days after the visit at the doctors. She had taken the pills the doctor had prescribed and they did help, but only something. She could still not eat or think about cereals. And sometimes just the thought of orange juice just made her sick. Sam tried to hide it as much as possible from Brooke and the parentals by avoiding things that made her want to vomit.

15 days after the visit, one day after the pills had run out, Sam got an interesting phone call from one of the nurses at the health center. The nurse said that since Sam had failed to call back, she was calling Sam to tell her that she was pregnant. Of course, Sam didn’t believe her. She just laughed and said that there must be some mistake cause there was no chance in hell she was pregnant. However, the nurse insisted that no mistake had been done. Since Sam insisted that there was no chance in hell she could be pregnant, the nurse booked her another appointment with the doctor the next day. She had took another blood test and got the results back later that day. It said the same thing; Sam was pregnant. At that time, Sam was getting pretty pissed off. She stormed off to the Womens clinic and took a blood test and a urine test. She was going to prove she was NOT pregnant. The next day she got the results back and, surprise surprise, Sam was pregnant. As soon as she got the results she went down to the Womens clinic again to talk to a nurse cause the whole thing was freaking her out. The nurse tried to calm down the somewhat crazed brunette and decided that they should do an Ultrasonography on her. That way, they could really prove if she was pregnant or not. Sam almost fell out of the bed when she saw what was inside her on the little screen. At first, it was a little messy but then the nurse pointed out a little head and something that could resemble a body (but looked more like a kidney bean). Sam felt panic taking over as she looked around for any hidden cameras or some funny guy jumping out saying “You are on candid camera!” But no one jumped out from nowhere. The nurse looked very sure of the thing. Sam was pregnant no doubt about that. And on top of it all, she was two months pregnant. Sam hadn’t even thought about the fact that she had skipped two periods. Her menstruation cycle had not been her first priority the last couple of months.

After three blood tests, one urine test and one Ultrasonography, Sam still couldn’t believe that she had a little kid inside her. And who could blame her? The only person she had ever had sex with was Brooke and she was pretty sure the blonde was not capable of such things as knocking her up. Then, the most hideous feeling took over her body. What if something had happened to her and she couldn’t remember? What if someone had…? Sam panicked as those thought filled her head. She had to literally shake them of. Something inside her knew what had happened. She just had to drag it out of her messy head.

She was waiting for Brooke to come home from practice. She didn’t have a clue about what she would say to Brooke but she figured she would be as understanding as always and help her out of that mess.

As her thoughts wondered off, she started to think about everything that had happened the last couple of months. Those issues with cereals started to make a whole lot of sense. She remembered when her mom was pregnant and couldn’t stand various dishes and threw up almost every morning for months.

Sam smiled. A warm feeling spread through her body when she thought about the fact that she was pregnant. She could feel something inside her that was warm and fuzzy that had never been there before. She thought about Brooke and how much she loved her and that maybe having a kid together wasn’t such a bad thing after all. And then, she got up from bed as if something had stung her ass. Words and pictures flashed before her eyes at 1000 words/second. Suddenly, everything was crystal clear. Just like that. She realized, she was pregnant and Brooke was the… Mother? Father? Fother? Mather? Smother? Heather? Weather? Something like that. Sam couldn’t completely figure it out but it made so much sense in a very freaky and out of this world kind of way. It had to be magic. And what had caused it? Sam looked around her room and saw the little amulet she'd got from Carmen and Lily. She picked it up, looked at it, and she was sure that the amulet was the cause of it all. It was like that amulet made Sam forget everything about a little thing called commonsense.

At that moment, Brooke had come home. Sam heard her coming up the stairs and coming down the hall. The footsteps stopped outside the bedroom and at the door stood a smiling Brooke looking beautiful as always.

“Hey Babe. What’s up?”

“Hey princess!” Sam happily embraced the blonde.

“Well aren’t we a little ray of sunshine today.” Brooke laughed giving Sam another hug.

“I’ve got news, but I don’t know how you are going to take this…”

“Something wrong Sammy?” Brooke immediately turned in to worried-mode.

“I don’t know if wrong is the right word to describe this, but something’s definitely up.” Sam took the blonde who now was in full worried-mode by the hand and led her to the bed. “I think you better sit down.”

Sam started to tell the whole story of the three blood tests and one urine test. She showed her the papers she’d got from the Women's clinic and copies of the ultrasound scan. Brooke started to laugh like Sam did the first time the nurse called her.

“Ha-ha really funny Sam. April fool’s day is in two months. I don’t know why you go through so much trouble just to play a little joke on me. I’m not buying this.” She took the ultrasound scans and looked at them closer. “What are these? Jane’s scans?”

“No Brooke, they’re mine.” Sam whispered.

“Cut it out Sam! You are not fooling me.” Brooke’s smile faded slowly as she saw that the brunette in front of her was doing the opposite of smiling.

“Brooke this is not a joke. I am serious. I’ve spent the last three days running between different places trying to prove that I am not pregnant. I don’t know how, but I am… pregnant”

Brooke stared at Sam with her mouth opened for quite a while. Almost too long for Sam. She knew that what she just had said sounded stupid and judging from the look on Brooke’s face, she was not happy about the news. And Sam was right. Brooke tried to gather her mind that had wondered off to another dimension. She could tell Sam was telling the truth. Nevertheless, that could only mean one thing; Sam had cheated on her.

“What do you mean you don’t know how?” Brooke asked her snapping out of the paralyze. “Sam, I know you are well aware of the birds and the bees.”

“I don’t know Brooke!” Sam snapped. “You are the only one I’ve ever had sex with, you know that!”

“Well apparently not.” Brooke said crossing her arms around her chest. She was blooming out into full combat-mode.

“What are you saying Brooke? That I cheated on you?” Brooke gave her a ‘DUUH STUPID!’ kinda look and Sam felt stupid indeed. Telling your girlfriend that you are pregnant and then getting pissed because she thinks you have cheated isn’t the most logic thing to do. On the other hand, nothing in this odd situation was very logic.

“Sam, what the hell do you want me to believe, huh? My girlfriend tells me she’s pregnant and though I lack the essential attributes to impregnate her, she actually wants me to believe she has not slept with anybody but me. Puh-lease.” Brooke snorted.

Sam didn’t know what to say. Everything she had planned to say felt all of the sudden useless. She couldn’t even look Brooke in the eyes.

“I don’t know what to say Brooke. I’m telling you the truth. I’d hoped you would believe me…”

“Oh yeah?” Brooke exploded making Sam flinch. “Did you hit your head on the way home or what? I know you’re not so stupid to actually think that I would believe you’re telling me the truth.”

“Tell me Sam, who was it? George? Some random guy whose name you don’t even know? Tell me!”

“Please Brooke…”

“Or was it Harrison? Couldn’t resist the temptation Sam? You always had a thing for my left over, didn’t you, Sammy?” Brooke’s voice was full of rage.

That hit Sam like a big rock against her chest. She couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. “Stop it Brooke! You don’t know what you’re talking about…”

“Then tell me Sam! Enlighten me!”

“I’ll tell you if you stop interrupting me!” Sam wiped away the tears and took a deep breath. ”Look, I have not slept with anybody but you. I know it sounds weird, but you just have to believe me. Don’t you trust me?”

“I used to trust you Sam, but not anymore. After everything we’ve gone through… and… and you do something like this? I can’t believe this shit!”

“You have to listen to me…”

“No, I am not gonna listening to you.” Brooke grabbed a hold of Sam’s arm and started pushing her towards the door. Sam tried her best to get out her grip but Brooke was much stronger than her.

“Get out Sam! When you are ready to tell me what happened and stand up for what you have done, then we talk. But right now I want you to get the hell out of my room!” Brooke managed to shove Sam outside and closed the door with a loud bang.

Sam sat outside the door listening to Brooke crying while crying herself. She tried to get Brooke to talk to her several times but the blonde wouldn’t respond to her pleads. After a while, the parentals came home and Brooke never came down to dinner that evening.

Conversation with dumb people.

It was the day after the big fight with Brooke and Sam was nervously walking through the crowded halls of Kennedy High in search of the tall blonde.

Sam searched every corner of the school but still no sings of Brooke. The hole in her stomach had turned into the Grand Canyon. If she didn’t find Brooke soon she would pass out from pure agony. As she rounded the corner heading towards the Novak, she bumped in to Carmen and Lily.

“I’m sorry.” Sam said without noticing it was her friends she'd bumped in to.

Lily managed to grab a hold on Sam’s arm before she got away from them. “Sam?”

Sam turned around seeing Lily and Carmen looking at her with questioning looks.

“Oh, It’s you guys. Sorry, I didn’t see you.” Sam said looking both ways down the hall like a maniac.

“Are you okay Sam?” Carmen asked trying to get the brunette’s attention.

“I don’t… It’s… We… Me and Brooke kinda….”


“Me and Brooke had a fight yesterday.”

“Oh, that’s why Brooke was acting so strange when we bumped into her in the Novak.” Carmen said.

“W-w-what when?” Sam asked with eyes that looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets any second.

“Just a couple of minutes ago…” Lily didn’t have the chance to finish her sentence before Sam was nothing but a dash on the way to the Novak, much like Flash Gordon.

Lily and Carmen looked at each other shrugging and headed for the Novak in a slower pace.

When they entered the Novak, they found Sam sitting on the settee in the middle of the Novak crying her eyes out.It was odd for the two brunettes to see Sam like that. She rarely showed emotions like that, especially not in school.

The brunettes sat them selves down with Sam. Carmen put her arm around her and Sam buried her face in Carmen’s shoulder. Lily made an icky face when she saw Sam's snot all over Carmen’s blouse.

“Why were you guys fighting?” Lily asked, rather surprised. This was the first time there had been reports of any fighting in the six months Sam and Brooke had been together. Lily figured there would never be any major fighting between those two cause they were one of those lucky couples that are etch others perfect match.

“Yhmphmpm umphmphmp” Sam said into Carmen’s shoulder.


“Uhm, Sam, you’re gonna choke on my shoulder.” Carmen said gently removing Sam from her shoulder.

Sam wiped away the tears from her eyes and cleared her throat. “I said you would never understand.”

“At least we could try.” Carmen gave the brunette an encouraging smile.

“It can’t that bad… can it?”

“It’s so bad.”

“Spill it Sam.”

“Okay, but do you promise to hear me out before you freak out?”

Both brunettes nodded vigorously.

Sam took a deep breath and stood up. She tried to figure out a smooth way to lay it all down to friends. However, she realized there was no smooth way to explain this. If she were lucky, Lily and Carmen would be more understanding and maybe even believe her.

“Okay; I am pregnant, Brooke did it but she thinks I’ve cheated on her which I haven’t.”

“Say what?”

Sam sighed. “I’m pregnant.”


Sam sighed again “I. Am. Pregnant.”

Both brunettes in front of Sam stared at her with their jaws opened wide. A long awkward silence followed. Well, at least it was awkward for Sam. Lily and Carmen were not moving nor talking. Luckily enough, Carmen broke the silence with a hysterical chuckle followed by Lily’s girly giggles. But the room was yet again filled with an awkward silence when both brunettes on the settee noticed Sam’s new expression. She was leaning against the sinks with her arms around her chest pouting and rolling her eyes. They recognized that face. Sam was serious, this wasn’t even funny.

“Are you serious Sam?” Lily asked.


“But how… I mean… Brooke is… you are… How?” Carmen was obviously the most confused brunette in that room.

“I don’t know.” Sam was very serious now. It was her only defense.

“But you’re both…” Carmen stopped her self mid-sentence and stared at Sam with her mouth opened and her eyes wide. “OMG… OMG… OMG.” Was the only thing she managed to say.

“What? What?” Sam asked.

“Don’t tell me Brooke is actually a... man!”

Now it was Sam’s turn to laugh. She was laughing so hard her stomach started to ache.

“No! She’s not a man.”

“Then how come you are pregnant? Are you sure Sam? Have you…”

“Yes! Yes Lily! I am sure, 100% sure. I’ve done all the tests, I AM SURE!” Sam said throwing her arms up in the air.

“I-I-I’m not following you Sam.” Said Carmen and Lily nod in agreement.

“Yeah, Sam, are you ok? Have you eaten something from your closet again?”

“No!” The two clueless brunettes were really getting on Sam’s last nerves. She never expected them to react so stupidly. She took out the papers from the last pregnancy test and handed it to Lily. “Read.”

Lily read the paper and handed it to Carmen. When she was finished reading it both girls started first at each other and at Sam.

“Okay, who’s the father Sam?” Lily asked standing up.

“It’s Brooke.”

“Seriously Sam!”

“I am serious!”

“Ugh, come on! You know that’s impossible!”

“It’s not!”

“Sam, get a grip! You know you can trust us, come on! Who’s the father? Harrison?”

“OMG! Lily! Why does everybody automatically assume I’ve slept with Harrison? You of all people know I never had feeling for Harrison...”

“I don’t … Okay I’m sorry. Just tell us.”

“You know what Lily?” Carmen managed to say after a couple of seconds of silently watching the conversation between Lily and Sam like a game of tennis. “I don’t care who the father is, I don’t think that’s important. What’s important is that we have to be there for Sam in times of need and/or crisis no matter what. I know I wasn’t around that much after the accident and the whole thing with Brooke, but I’ve told you I’m sorry and that I wish I was. This time I’m 100% with you Sam.”

A great big shiny smile appeared on Sam’s face. She hadn’t felt this happy in weeks. The only thing that could really make her day was the support from the people she loved. If only Brooke could be this supportive, it would be heaven.

Lily remembered the lyrics from that Placebo song… ”A friend in need’s a friend indeed” and decided that she had to support Sam on this one.

“I’m withya Sam.” Lily said giving Sam a hug. “But you know this whole ‘Brooke is my baby’s daddy’ thing is kinda strange.”

Sam just had to laugh. Indeed this was a weird situation but Carmen and Lily hade given her new hope. All of the sudden it didn’t feel so hopeless with Brooke. She was sure she could win her back one way or the other. That’s when she decides she was going to prove that she was no loony and that she was too pregnant by Brooke.

“I think I know a way to prove to you all I’m not some crazed pregnant freak.”

Both Carmen and Lily laughed. “Yeah sure Sam, but how’re you gonna do that?”

“Oh, you’ll see. Sam said in her usual self-confident kinda way. “But you can’t tell anybody about this, okay?” Both girls nod.

“Shit! We’re late for class.” Both Lily and Carmen headed for the door but Sam didn’t move, she was too busy making genius plans.

“Aren’t you coming Sam?” Lily asked.

“Huh? Oh, naah I’ll catch up with you guys in the cafeteria.”

Tired of Spam? Sign up now for a Spam free Kennedy High!

A/N: Yaay! It's finally here people, the big Spam vs Satan smackdown. At least that's what it was supposed to be. But I found myself getting all mushy (I blame my girlfriend, she's the one who's got me all happy in love). So if you wanted to see blood and broken hearts you've come to the wrong place.

I've also noticed that the story now is not at all what it was supposed to be in the beginning. The first chapters may not make sense at all. But I think that when the Pregnant Sam trilogy is finished (I am really working on getting to the sequel of this story, but I accidentally turned it into a x-over in this chapter) it will all make (more) sense.

Oh and if you find stupid typo's, blame my brain. I had nothing to do with it.

And also, thanks for all the fb. Me likes.


“Well, isn’t it everybody’s favorite teen journalist Sam McPherson?” Nicole said as she entered the Novak and saw Sam standing in front of the sinks.

“Go to hell Nicole.”

“I’ve already been there, thank you.” Nicole approached Sam.

“I’m actually glad I found you here Spam, we need to talk.”

“I doubt we have anything to talk about.”

“Oh, but I think we do.”

Nicole took out Sam’s notebook from her bag and held it up in front of the brunette’s face. Sam looked at it for a while without really knowing what to do. Should she take it? “Go ahead, take it. It’s yours. Be more careful next time.”

“Is that all?”

“Not exactly. I’ve heard about you and Brookie.”

“Wha…” Sam frowned then she sighed. “It’s none of your business Nicole.”

“That’s where you’re wrong Spam. You made it my business when you started to snoop around my business.” Nicole said pointing at the notebook.

“It’s not like this is news to anybody, Satan. Everybody knows you are a manipulating bitch. And the rest; well, it comes as no surprise after that sordid attempt at a drag racing career.”

“I don’t think you should be insulting me now that I am feeling so generous Spam. I came over here to offer you some help to win your loved one back.”

“I don’t need nor do I want your help. I’m not falling for your little tricks anymore. Your middle name is payback, I’ll never forget that.”

“I’m not playing you Spam, I just spent the last half hour with your heart broken girlfriend and she said she never wanted to see you again. And besides, I ran over you. You should be the one paying back.” Sam looked at Nicole rather stumped. Her tone of voice was not at all familiar. She never thought the blonde could house real feelings in that ice cold heart of hers. However, Sam was softening up because of that desperate feeling inside of her.

“She said that? Where is she?”

“I can’t tell you that, I promised her. She doesn’t know I came down here to talk to you.”

“Okay, why are you doing this again?”

“Brookie is my best friend, I love her. I hate to ser her like this and for some odd reason I’m sure you’re the only remedy. Anybody can see that, she loves you like crazy. In addition, you do love her, right?

Sam nod.

“And besides, wouldn’t you help out a friend in need?”

“Yes, but I am not evil.” Sam said grinning.

“Okay Spam, do you want your girlfriend back or not?”

Sam had to think about that. Well not the part about getting her girlfriend to speak to her again, but the part where Nicole helps her. Nicole, the same person that more than six moths ago went a little loony and almost ran over Sam's one and only love. Ending up with Sam trying to get Brooke out of the way, Nicole heading right for the wall and taking Sam with her on the way. Brooke had told Sam to just ignore Nicole, not to bother about the past and concentrate on the future. However, that had been impossible for Sam. The last couple of moths (before the whole pregnancy/notebook disappearing thing) Sam had been obsessed with trying to find out why and how Nicole had managed to get away with what she’d done only with therapy and regular visits to the AA. But on second thought that sounded kind of a drag. And Sam had to admit that Nicole had been keeping an unusually low profile their senior year at Kennedy High. No ‘Delusions of Grandeur’, no bitching around trying to destroy Sam’s life. Just… Cheerleading. That’s the only thing Nicole had been up to. And she hadn’t even tried to take the captain position away from Carmen. She had been happy with co captain. Apparently, everybody in the cheerleading squad pretended like nothing had happened, so why shouldn’t Sam? The thought about loosing Brooke over this was just too much for Sam’s poor heart, she could already feel it breaking into thousands of small pieces. She decided that, as weird and creepy it might’ve seemed, she would accept Nicole’s help.

“Okay,” Sam said, “I’m going home now and try to get a hold on someone from Sunnydale I…”

“From that hell hole?” Nicole frowned.

“Yeah, I uh… have a plan.”

“Need help?”

“Maybe… I need you to find Brooke, you know where she is?”


“Can you call me when you’ve found her?”

“You’ve got is Spam. But I can’t promise she’ll be happy to see you.”

“I’ll take care of that.” Sam smiled.

Nicole headed for the door when she suddenly turned around.

“Oh, by the way Spam, are you pregnant?”


“Who’s the father?”

Sam sighed. “Brooke.”

“Spam, you do need help.” Nicole said leaving the Novak with a big grin on her face.

Spam scanning.

A/N: I found this in my pants. I kid you not. I wrote it last week at work during lunch hour. So it's kinda unedited. But I liked it this way so I didn't change anything.
And also, this part is a x-over with Buffy the Vampire Slayer (with a guest appearance by the Dawnster). The rest of the story will probably be an x-over too. So...


Sam drove up to the palace in her car almost running over the neighbor’s cat. She put the car in park and it sounded like the neighbor’s cat was stuck somewhere under her car. However, it wasn’t the cat, it was the car.

“Good old reliable.” Sam said when she closed the door and one of the rear-view mirrors fell off. She just knew that was going to happen if she closed the door to hard. But she hadn’t time to fix that. She was busy putting operation ‘prove I’m not some crazy pregnant freak’ into work.

She walked up to her room and rumbled around her desk in search of a telephone number. But it was impossible to find anything in that mess. Magazines, candy bar wrappers, old candy bars, a mouldy bowl of cereals, huge amounts of loose papers and somewhere under there her laptop, were lying on her desk making it look like a dumpster. When she realized she would never find the piece of paper she was looking for in that mess, she dug up her laptop and logged on to the whinyass.com community and searched through old messages from “D_the_slayer_wannabe” for her phone number.

“Yay!” She shrieked when she found what she was looking for.

She picked up the phone right away and dialed the number.

Someone, Sam presumed it was a female, who sounded kinda rude picked up the phone.

“Uhm, hi may I please speak to Dawn?”

“Okay, hold on. Dawn! It’s for you!” The girl sighed.

“Hell-o-o!” Dawn sang.

“Hi, it’s Sam from …”

“Oh! Sam!” the girl squealed, “What’s up?”

“Yeah, hi.” Sam said feeling rather uncomfortable with the other girl’s enthusiasm. “Uhm, I don’t really know how to explain this but I need your help.”


“Remember you’ve told me all these weird stories about your weird sister and weird friends?”


“Well something really weird happened and I need your help to get me out of this mess.”

“What happened?”

“I’m pregnant.”

“And the weird part is?”

“I have a girlfriend?”

“I still don’t get the weird part.”

“Well, my girlfriend impregnated me.”

“Aaaah. Now I get it. You should've told me that from the start. I think this is a case for Willow.”

“The Wiccan?”

“No, the tree.” Dawn laughed but Sam didn’t get it. And Dawn got that, so she cleared her throat and continued. “I told you about her.”

“Oh yeah, she’s the one that’s with that other Wiccan, right?”


“You really think she could help me?”

“Yeah, oh you know what? You can come to Sunnydale this weekend.”

“Are you sure?”

“Jupp, I’m sure! You and your girlfriend can stay here, I’m sure Willow and Tara can show you some nightly-disco-dancing-gay-action, if there is any here… You know Sunnydale is kind of a…”

“Uhm, yeah, sure.” Sam interrupted Dawn before she gave her a full one-hour long re-view Sunnydale’s non-existing nightlife. She had no time for that. She had more important things to do. Like finding her girlfriend. “I was thinking about bringing some friends along, but we can all just get a room somewhere…”

“Nah, you can all stay here, it’s a big house.”

“You sure?”


“And your sister?”

“She won’t mind, she’s all busy with the slaying and bleached vampires, ya know.”

“K, I’ll call you Friday when we’re on our way?”


“Great, bye then.”

Sam hung up the phone with a big happy grin on her face. All she needed to do now was to find Brooke and talk to her and operation ‘prove I’m not some crazy pregnant freak’ was on a roll.

We used to be friends.

A/N: Okay folks, I'm back from the dead. I have been gone for a while but I do have my reasons.

But I decided to get over that already and end what I started. I kinda did it. I wrote two chapters tonight. Hopefully I will be able to have at least one story finished. It's kind of a pain in the ass to have un finished stuff lying around.

I want to thank all the people who have been kind enough to beg/bugg me about new chapters, it's thank to ya'll I could write this.



“Brookie… Don’t you think that you should…?”


“But maybe you should…”




Scenario: Brooke, drunk as a skunk, sitting on a rock down by the beach and Nicole standing in front of her trying to get her to stand up.

“Nic!” Brooke wailed waving her arms in an attempt to hold her self up on the rock while avoiding Nicole’s hand grabbing her arm.

“Honey, I doubt you sitting here drinking cheap wine is gonna make things better.”

“What do you know?” Brooke asked frowning at Nicole. “I don’t wanna see her ever again.”

“You don’t have to Brookie, just… Let’s go home.” Nicole failed yet again to grab Brooke as the blonde threatened to hit her with the bottle. “Come on Brooke! I’ll drive you home.”

Brooke rolled her eyes. “Nic, you don’t have a driver’s license.”

“Oh yeah. Gee, I forgot. But someone’s got to drive you home.”

“Nope. I’ll walk home.”

“Oh please B. You couldn’t get yourself down from this rock if your life depended on it.”

“Could too!” Brooke said trying to stand up but got only half way up before she fell down on the rock again.

“Hon, you’re sitting on seaweed … and a dead fish,” Nicole said making a disgusted face, “Now if that’s not a reason for you to get your drunk ass home and sleep away the alcohol and the shame, I don’t know what is.”

“I’m sitting on seaweed?”

“And a dead fish.”

“Eeew!” Brooke squealed standing up without falling back for the first time. “Look at my pants!”

“I think we should call Spam…”

“Don’t call her that.” Brooke snapped.

“Okay, gee, sorry B.” Nicole rolled her eyes. “I think we should call Sam and ask her to pick you up.”

“You really think so?”

“Well… Yeah I do. You two should talk, don’t you think so B?”

“She’s evil!” Brooke said with a dramatic voice as if she was talking about something horrible.

“I wouldn’t use the word evil but she is kinda…” Brooke looked at Nicole with big puppy eyes and Nicole thought she was too cute to upset. “Uhm, no B. Sam’s not evil. Let’s call her, okay?”

“Call who?”

“Sam… Jesus Brooke! Drunk much?”

“This is my first bottle.” Brooke said holding up the almost empty vine bottle to take another sip. Nicole was faster to react than Brooke was so she managed to swipe the bottle from Brooke’s hand.

“Hey! Gimme that!”

“Okay, you’ve wailed enough young lady. Sit here while I call Sam.”

“No! I don’t want her to see me like this.”

“I don’t think Sam cares in what state you’re in. She…”

“I’m in California.”

“No, I mean… Arrgh!” Nicole was now losing patience. “Listen to me Brooke. I promised Sam I would find her and bring you to her. Or the other way around. Something like that.”


“Why? Cause she wants to talk to you.”

“No, I mean why do you want to help Sam? Is this one of your dirty tricks? Cause I won’t let you screw me and Sam up Nic.”

“No! You’re my friend Brooke and I miss you and… I want to help you. I’ve changed. And I’m trying to prove that by helping you guys out.”

“Okay… Call Sam.”

30 minutes later and Sam was at the beach walking towards the place where Nicole and Brooke were waiting for her.

“Hey Nicole.”

“Hey Sam.”

“I, Uhm... Thank you.”

“No problem.” Nicole shrugged.

“No, I really mean it. Thank you. To be honest; I wasn’t sure you’d come through.”

“I told you I would help you, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but I’m not exactly used to a helping Nicole.”

“Well, you better get used to it.”

“I can’t promise anything. But I’ll try.” Sam smiled and reached out her hand. Nicole took her hand feeling a bit awkward shaking hands with one of her former enemies. Sam was feeling exactly the same way but realized she better let that go because Nicole did her a really big favor. She figured she’d come to the letting go part when she worked things out with Brooke.

“Where’s Brooke?” Sam asked looking around not seeing the blonde.

“She’s down there.” Nicole pointed at a pier where a bunch of stoners were sitting under it around a fire and indeed Brooke was sitting there singing with them.

Sam laughed shaking her head. “Guess we better go and get her.”

“You go ahead Sam. I should get back home.” Nicole said looking at her watch.

“Okay. Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Bye Sam.”

“Bye Nic.” After a couple of seconds Sam remembered her Sunnydale plan and decided, she should invite Nicole on the trip. After all, Nicole was showing sides Sam never thought existed.

“Hey Nic!”

Nicole turned around surprised.  “Yes?”

“I’m planning on going to Sunnydale this weekend and sort this mess up…”

“To that hell hole?” Nicole frowned.

Sam smiled. “Yes, to that hell hole. Do you wanna come with us?”

“Me?” Nicole looked even more surprised now. Spam inviting her along on a trip, now that didn’t happen every day.

“Yes, you.” Sam laughed.

“So; you, me and Brookie in the spam mobile?”

“Not exactly. Lilly and Carmen are coming too. And… Mary Cherry.”

“Oh. All of us in your car?”

“I think we need a bigger car.”

“I can take care of that. Take care of Brooke and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Oh, okay. Bye.”



Sam sat down besides Brooke and placed her hand on the blonde’s shoulder.


“Hey!” Brooke said rather surprised. “Were you looking for me?”



“Cause last time we talked you threw me out of your room. And you didn’t show up at school today. I got worried.”



“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that. We should’ve talked about it. You wanna talk now?”

“There’s not much to talk about Brooke. I already told you everything there is to say. Now it’s up to you, whether you trust me or not.”

“I wanna trust you Sam but… You don’t expect me to believe I knocked you up?”

“Why not? It’s the truth. Why would I lie about something like that? Besides, I never lie to you.”

“I know Sam. It’s just… I don’t know.” Brooke rested her head against Sam’s shoulder. “My head hurts.” She said pouting.

Sam smiled and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Okay, we’ll talk about this when you’re not as fuddled as you are now.” She sneered. “Let’s get you home before mom and Mike comes home.”



“Can you carry me to the car?”

“In your dreams blondie! Not get up and start walking.”

“You are evil.” Brooke mumbled while trying to stand up.

“Well, that’s what you get for not believing in me.” Sam said with a smug face.

She’s got a ticket to the road trip from hell

“Oh God.” Brooke said holding her hands over her forehead. “My head!”

“You drank a whole bottle of wine all by yourself yesterday.”

“Please, don’t remind me.”

“I brought you breakfast. That will make you feel better.”

“Thanks. Hey, what time is it?”

“It’s almost twelve o’clock.”

“Please tell me it’s twelve o’clock at night.”


“OMG Sam! I’m later for school.” Brooke said jumping out of the bed and knocking over the tray spilling the food all over the bed.

“Relax!” Sam said grabbing Brooke’s arm. “I called the school. Told them you had tonsillitis and couldn’t talk.”

“Oh…” Brooke sat down on the bed again. “I ruined my breakfast.” She said looking at the bed with a miserable look on her face.

“You wanna go on a trip?”

Brooke’s face light up. “What kind of trip?”

“I thought we could visit my friend Dawn in Sunnydale.”

“Yeah. But why do you wanna go to that hell hole?”

“Hey, why’s everybody calling Sunnydale a hell hole?”

“Cause it’s a small town where people die all the time maybe?”

“People die here too you know.”

“But not as much as in Sunnydale.”

“Anyway Brooke, I really think you should come along on this trip.”

“And why is that?” Brooke raised an eyebrow.

“Cause I am going to prove to you that you are the father/mother of this child.”


“And don’t say no, because you really don’t have a choice. If you love me and want to be with me, you better come along.”

“For your information, I was going to say I’d love to go with you.”

“Oh... Well, good for you!”

“Sam, why are you acting weird?”

“I’m confused. I don’t really know what to do with all this. You really hurt me Brooke, when you threw me out of your room and disappeared the next day. Then to find you drunk, singing songs with a bunch of wasted surfers, let’s just say it hasn’t exactly been the funniest day in my life. But I want to work things out with you. I want you to believe me Brooke.”

“I want to believe you Sam. But I’m also confused. I just don’t know what to believe anymore. I don’t want to lose you. I love you so much.”

Tears started running down the Blonde’s cheeks and Sam put her arms around Brooke holding her really close. They sat like that, holding each other, for a long time until Brooke’s stomach started to riot and she had to stuff herself with food.


“Are we there yet?”

“Nic, we’ve only been on the road for 10 minutes.”

“Well, I’m bored already.” Nicole sighed. “Why do I have to sit here in the back with these two, anyway?” Nicole shoot sideway glances at the two girls who were sitting on each of her sides; Carmen and Lily.

“Because Brookie was feeling a little bit nauseous and wanted to sit in the front with Sam.” Said Mary Cherry who was driving the car.

Mary Cherry had picked the girls up in a lobster red mini-van with matching red fluffy interior. Brooke felt sick from the seats so she decided to ride in the front with Sam and Mary Cherry. Nicole had no choice but to sit in the back with Carmen and Lily since she was the last one to be picked up by the Mary Cherry-mobile and the two brunettes in the back insisted on window seats. No one in the back was actually happy with the seating arrangements. But when Nicole reminded herself why she was doing this, it felt a little bit better. She could go back to filing her nails instead of being annoyed by Lily frenetically chewing on carrots or Carmen’s humming.

When Lily was done eating carrots, she had to find something else to entertain herself with. After a couple of minutes of trying to figure out whether Nicole had ever had a nose job or not, she caught Mary Cherry looking at her in the rear-view mirror. When Mary Cherry noticed Lily was looking at her she gave the brunette her best smile and a little wink. Lily smiled and winked back. And they kept doing that until Nicole looked up from filing her nails and noticed them looking at each other. The thought of Mary Cherry and Lily flirting was just too disturbing for Nicole so she decided to stall Mary Cherry for a while.

“Mary Cherry, where did you get this car?”

“It’s momma Cherry’s car.” Mary Cherry answered not really giving Nicole much attention.

Nicole sighed. She wasn’t interested in having an hour long conversation about a lobster red van with Mary Cherry if the blonde would continue flirting with Lily in the rear-view mirror.

“Mary Cherry, stop flirting with Lily.”

Carmen was so shocked she spit out her soda all over Sam, Sam accedently knocked Brooke in the eye with her elbow, Lily almost choked on her flapjack and Mary Cherry almost drove into a car on the other side of the road.

“Now, was that really necessary?” Asked Mary Cherry.

“Don’t ever do that again.” Brooke said holding one hand over her eye and wiping away soda from Sam’s face with the other.

“You almost killed Lily!” Carmen said.

“I was not flirting with Mary Cherry.”

“Damn right l’il Lily!”

“Oh puh-lease! It’s a wonder we….”

“Okay!” Brooke screamed. “All this drama is not good for the baby. So please; no more spitting soda over people or driving off the road.”

“Whatever.” Nicole pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.


”Yaaay!” All the girls shouted at the same time when they passed the ‘Welcome to Sunnydale’ sign.

“Finally I can get away from Lily’s hysterical chewing and Carmen humming show-tunes.” Nicole said touching up her make-up in a small mirror.

“Hey Nic, I thought you said you are nice now.” Sam said sarcastically.

“I’ve been sitting here with these two freaks and I haven’t killed them yet. I think we can call that improvement.”

Sam turned around with a chuckle while Carmen and Lily exchanged frightened looks. Carmen started to scratch at the door while nervously looking at Lily who was doing the same.

“Oh please,” Nicole sighed, “like I would bother to kill you two and ruin my coat while doing it.”

“Sam, do you know the address where Dawn lives?” Mary Cherry asked.

“Uhm…” Sam searched her pockets and gave the two blondes sitting with her a sheepish smile. “I kinda forgot it at home.”

“What are we going to do now?”

“Maybe we could go in to a store and ask if anybody knows the Summers?”

“Okay hun, this town ain’t that small.” Nicole said.

“It’s worth a try.”


Sam and Lily stepped into a little kinda dark store that at first sight looked like a bookstore, but as they stepped in, it looked like a something-else. A girl was standing behind a counter looking utterly bored.

“What do you want?” She said.

“Okay, that what an interesting way to greet your costumers.” Lily whispered.

“Uhm. Hi, I’m looking for someone named Dawn Summers, I wonder if you know her?”

“Know her? Hah! With my luck I’m stuck with that little brat forever.”

“So you do know her?” Sam asked.

“Unfortunately, yes. Why? Are you coming to take her away?” The girl’s face light up.

“Not really. We’re here to visit her. Do you know where she lives?”

“Yes. How come you don’t know where she lives, if you’re here to visit her?”

“I forgot the address at home… and her phone number. So… Could you give us the address?”

“Sure. But if you’re evil under disguise, you’re in trouble.”


“Oh, nothing.” The girl wrote the address on a piece of paper and handed it to Sam.

“Okay… Thank you.”


It takes two to boogie.

Sam walked up to the house on the address that the girl in the shop gave her and rang the doorbell. After a couple of seconds, a girl with brown hair and leather pants opened the door.


“Hi, is this the Summers house?”

“Who are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for Dawn Summers.”

“Hold on.” Said the girl and closed the door. Sam heard some shouting coming from inside and guessed it was the right house. She waved at the others to get out of the car.

A red haired, kinda tall (somewhat taller than Sam), kinda skinny, kinda happy shiny girl opened the door with the biggest smile Sam had seen since Brooke made her try on an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-dot Bikini.

The two girls greeted each other with a friendly hug and enthusiastic Hi’s.

“Dawn, this is my girlfriend Brooke.” Sam said when Brooke approached the door. The two shake hands and Sam later introduced the rest of the gang.

“Everybody, this is Faith.” Dawn said when they stepped in to the house and found the brunette sitting in the kitchen. She gave them a half-hearted smile and a little wave.

“Okay… Let’s go in to the other room instead.” Dawn said shoving the girls out of the kitchen.

“So, how was the trip?” Dawn asked while everybody was finding somewhere to sit. Sam and Brooke sat down next to each other on the sofa with Carmen, Mary Cherry sat down on a chair and when Lily was about to grab the chair beside her, Nicole gave her a little shove so poor Lily landed on top of Dawn.

“Hey! What was that for?” Lily wailed.

“Oh, sorry Lily. I didn’t see you.”

“Uhm, the ride here was nice.” Brooke answered Dawn’s question.

“So your sister doesn’t mind all us being here?” Sam asked.

“Nah, and if she doesn’t like it I can just run away again.”

Carmen broke out into one of her famous awkward chuckles because she thought Dawn was joking. But we all know, little Dawn wasn’t joking.

“Hey, l’il Dawnie, where are we all going to sleep? Cause I ain’t crashing on the floor like some common Joe.” Mary Cherry said.

“Let’s see… Three of you could sleep upstairs; two can sleep here on the couch and… One would have to sleep on the floor.” Dawn gave her a sheepish smile.

“Well that ain’t me.”

“Me neither.” Nicole said.

“Guys, we don’t have to decide that now. Let’s… talk about something else.” Said Sam. “So, when do we get to meet Willow and her girlfriend?”

“I think they’ll be here any minute now. They said they were going to swing buy the magic box to grab some stuff after school and then hurry back home to meet you guys.”

“The magic box?”

“Oh, that’s a magic store that our friend Giles owns. It’s full with books and witchy stuff.”


“He’s British. And kinda old actually. We only know him because he used to be Buffy’s watcher.”

“Is that like British for her sugar daddy?” Nicole asked and the others giggled in unison.

“Naah, he was more like the guy that made sure she didn’t get in to much trouble.”

“Oh.” The girls said all at the same time.

After a couple of minutes of semi-awkward small talk, Willow and her girlfriend Tara walked into the room.

“Hello!” She said cheerfully.

“Hi.” Everybody in the room answered.

“Hey, Will, this is Sam and her girlfriend Brooke.”

“Nice to meet you.” The four ladies shake hands.


While Faith and Dawn were out on a tour around SunnyD with Carmen, Lily, Mary Cherry and Nicole, the others stayed at home to prepare a spell to find out whom the father of Sam’s baby is.

“Okay, first of all, I need a lock of you hair Brooke.” Willow said looking in one of her spell books. “And I also need a drop of your blood.”

“Okay.” Brooke said giving Sam a worried look.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing dangerous.” Tara said in a low voice. “We just need it to put a spell on this little aniseed. If you want to you can go outside and get some air while we do this.”


“Hey, are you sure about his?” Sam asked Brooke.

“About what?”

“About all this. The spell that Willow and Tara are doing.”

“I… I don’t know. I mean, do you really think this will work?”

“I think so. Dawn said Willow has been doing spells and stuff like that for years now. And besides, the whole thing about me being pregnant by you is freaky enough. This has to work.”

“And what if it doesn’t?”

“Don’t you trust me Brooke?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then why do you say something like that?”

“I don’t know. You have to understand that this isn’t easy for me to handle sweetie. What if I would all of the sudden get pregnant? Wouldn’t you believe I’d slept with someone else before you would even think of the possibility that it might have been you?”

“Okay, you might me right on that one. But still, it hurts when you don’t believe me.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry baby.” Brooke said and gave Sam a kiss.

“Uhm… Sorry to interrupt you little smooch fest,” Willow said standing at the front door, “But I need you guys to come in for a little while.”


“Tonight, before you go to sleep, you put the little aniseed in you belly button…” Willow said handing over the seed to Sam.

“Is that all?” Brooke asked surprised.

“Jupp, pretty much.”

“So, how does this work?” Sam asked.

“Well, if the aniseed is still in your belly when you wake up, the baby is Brookes. But if the aniseed has fallen out, it’s not.”

“But what if I accidentally knock the seed out in my sleep?”

“Don’t worry about that. This seed is enchanted remember? If it really is Brooke’s baby it’s gonna be there in the morning even if you take it out yourself.”

“Wow, this is so cool.” Sam smiled.


After the grand tour of Sunnydale, the girls headed back to the Summer’s house for some pizza and fun, along with Anya and Xander who had joined the party as well. Lily and Mary Cherry were getting kinda cozy in the couch together while Nicole tried her best at getting in their way. But Anya, who was quire fascinated with the blonde, kept getting in her way. Sam and Willow were talking computer stuff, Lily and Tara were exchanging vegetarian recipes and Faith was trying to flirt with a rather flattered Brooke. After a while, Buffy came home and stuffed herself with the last pieces of pizza. In other words, it was quite a nice evening for the Santa Monica girls.

When it was time to go to bed, a little fight broke out over the bed arrangements. First of all, no one wanted to sleep on the floor. Second of all, Mary Cherry had asked Lily if she wanted to share the couch with her but both Carmen and Nicole insisted on sleeping on the couch too.  The only ones who knew where to sleep were Sam and Brooke, who were going to take Dawn’s bed. Mary Cherry suggested they should take it out side and wrestle over the beds, but Sam had a much better idea. To simply draw lots and leave it to the chance.

Again, everybody where happy except Nicole. Carmen had got the spare bed upstairs, Lily and Mary Cherry got the couch and Nicole had to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. She tried to sneak out and get a room at the nearest Motel but both Buffy and Faith had stopped her, claiming that it was too dangerous for her to walk around by her self.

Upstairs, Sam and Brooke were in bed and Sam had the aniseed in her belly.

“So, are you ready?” Brooke asked.

“For what?”

“For tomorrow. It will be a very big day for the two of us.”

“The three of us.” Sam smiled.

Brooke placed a kiss on Sam’s belly. “It doesn’t matter what happens to this little seed. I love you so much Sammy. And I wanna be there for you and the baby, no matter what.”

Sam stared at Brooke with her mouth opened.

“What? Did I say something wrong?”

“No Brooke. It’s just… That was… I mean… That was probably the sweetest thing you ever said to me. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

“I think I do Sam. That came straight from the heart, I really meant it. I love that baby as much as I love you.”

“Jesus Brooke, you’re making me cry.”

“And you are making me cry.”

“Promise me you’ll never leave me Brooke.”

“I promise. I’ll never ever leave you.”

Did I do that?

“Hey, lovebirds wake up!” Nicole said throwing a pillow on Mary Cherry’s head.

“What do you want Nicole?” Lily said throwing back the pillow at the blonde.

“Not that it’s any of you concern Lily, but I’m quite worried about this.”

“About what?”

“About the two of you spooning in the couch while I had to sleep on the floor not being able to even toss and turn in that small sleeping bag because of the disturbing though of you cuddling.”

“We were not cuddling, Nicole.”

“Yeah Nic. You were the one that said we had to make friends with outcasts.”

“Yeah, Hi. Make friends, not make out.”

“Cut it out, Nicole. You’re just yellous because Mary Cherry asked me to sleep on the couch and not you.”

“Hey, what’s all the fuss about?” Carmen said entering the room in her pink Hello Kitty pajamas.

“Nothing, Nicole is just deluded.” Lily answered.

“When do they serve breakfast in this place?” Mary Cherry asked.

“I guess if we want breakfast, we’ll have to make it our selves.”

The four girls walked in to the kitchen where they found Dawn and Tara making pancakes.

“Oh! Pancakes!”

“Hey, good morning guys. Did you sleep well?” Dawn asked.

All the girls nod except Nicole. “I am so getting a room tonight.” She said.

“Nic, stop being so rude.” Mary Cherry smiled giving Nicole a shove.

“I hope our pancakes can make up for the bad night.” Tara said handing over a plate with pancakes and syrup with a smile.

Nicole shrugged, pouted, gave Mary Cherry an ugly face and finally sat her self down with the plate.


“Good morning princess.” Sam said kissing Brooke on the forehead.

“Good morning to you too.” Brooke rubbed her eyes and turned around to face Sam. “So, have you checked?”

“My belly?”

Brooke nod.

“Nope. I wanted to wait for you to wake up.”

“Wow. I’m impressed Sam. You’ve been up longer than me and haven’t even peeped?”

“Well, actually: I woke up like five minutes ago and couldn’t take it anymore. So I woke you up.”

Brooke laughed. “I thought so McPherson, you’re such a Curious George. Hah, no pun intended.”

“Ha-Ha, really funny Brooke. How about skipping the comedy act and check out my belly instead?”

“So you want me to do the honors?”


“Okay, but before I do it. I just want you to remember what we talked about last night.”

“Yeah, I remember Brooke.”

“Okay, here it goes.”

Brooke pulled down the covers and gently pulled up Sam’s shirt but pulled it down again and looked at Sam who was staring up at the ceiling.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes! My god Brooke, just look at it already!”

“Okay.” Brooke laughed and finally looked into Sam’s belly button.

“OMG… OMG Sam.”

“What? Is it there?”

Brooke did not answer. She just stared at Sam’s belly.

“Brooke?” Sam sat herself up and looked down. “OMG!”

“I’m gonna be a dad.” Brooke said with a shaky voice. “We’re gonna have a baby together.”

Tears were running down Sam’s cheeks and she threw herself on top of Brooke and kissed her like never before. There was no time to be shocked or confused. She just wanted to smooch with Brooke and never let go.

However, Brooke broke the kiss. “Hey, what are we going to name the baby?”

“Brooke.” Sam wailed. “You’re kinda ruining the moment here.”

“Do you realize we’re bringing a little mini-me to the world?”

“Uhm, yeah? How about Sam Jr?”

“I mean; There are a lot of important things to discuss Sam! Like how are we going to get the money to support this child? And you won’t be able to go to college and I…”

“Brooke, relax. We have a lot of time to think about that. Let’s just enjoy the good news and smooch some more?”

“Sam Jr?”

“What’s wrong with Sam Jr?”

“How about Brooke Jr?”

“How about not?”


Trouble of Sam



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