Disclaimer: All this belongs to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.(Grrr...arrrgh)

EMail: Mad-Hamlet@usa.net

Drain Brameged Inc. Proudly presents

A Mad-Hamlet production

Dianna Wears Red- Primus

Third Lesson

It's dark.

The dark is fading, though. I become more aware; pulling away from sleep I am more aware of a sullen glow pulsing slowly through my eyelids. So it's dark because my eyes are closed. That makes sense I suppose. I better find out where I am. Let's open the eyes and, quite literally, see what we see.

Jesus. That hurt. All I wanted to do was open my eyes and my entire body voiced its protests very loudly. Alright, we'll just lie here a bit and recover our strength. We'll be ready to try again in, oh, maybe three or four weeks.


"You're awake agent?"

Dr. Walsh! Instinct kicks in and I try and come to attention.

Ow. That hurt. That hurt a lot. Okay, not going to do that again anytime soon.

Military procedure or not I'm just going to float here in my private universe, ignoring the lights outside. Procedure be damned.

I feel a warm hand touch me on the shoulder briefly. "Rest now, Agent Finn. The report can wait."

I open my mouth to reply, as any soldier would to a superior. I want to say 'Yes Ma'am.'

What I hear, before what little light there is begins to fall away, is "Yessh mMMmm."

Then all the lights go away.



Quiet. Kinda nice.

"Willow?" her voice, breaks the quiet. In a smooth way though, so I don't mind.

It's dark.

Can't see anything at all. Just the black before me, and I know it's behind me, all around me. I should be scared but I'm not. If it was just dark I'd be terrified; but it's not just me alone in the dark. She's here, she's holding me close and watching me very carefully. I can't see her but I know it. I know it like I know the sun will be up tomorrow and that all the bad things will be running for cover.

I know she's here. How do I know? I'm warm.

The dark is usually cold and empty but this dark is so warm and full and....and....and stuff. I can't exactly feel the warmth. Just that I'm aware of it. Aware of her, of me, floating comfortably aware but not alarmed in this not scary, not lonely darkness.

It's a good, warm darkness! Like a fuzzy blanket.

As I think about it I'm growing more aware of my surroundings.

Hearing is the first thing to kick in. I can hear the crickets chirping from somewhere. Down I think. Oh and there a soft wind now! I hear branches rustling in that quiet way they do when a simple breeze moves them. And there's a car! I can hear traffic, which is good though at the same time it's kinda bad. Not that I can hear the traffic, means ears are working. Go you ear drums yeah! Course cars mean exhaust and exhaust is pollution and pollution is bad. See? I hope the trees in the breeze will be okay and not get hurt from the pollution.

Oh, oh, yay! Smell is back. Dear, dear sense of smell how we missed you. I can smell ...can smell...mmm...fresh air. Fresh cool air and it has all these lovely quiet smells with it. Sweet and...mmm...kinda wet. Like a...like a...uhmm...pollen! Yeah! It's pollen. Oh no! My allergies!

Check that, I don't have allergies. Alright then, pollen is okay with me. Sweet, sweet pollen.

And here is my good friend taste. Not that there is a lot to taste right now. My mouth is kinda sticky though; sorta gummy. Sour, bleah. Still, I have to welcome taste back because without it I'd never be able to enjoy another choco-double-mocha-creamoliscious! A critical part of any college students diet.

Great, now all we need is touch and sight and I'll be ready to face the world.

Wait, wait....here comes touch no-

Hearing tells me I'm crying. My own quiet moan echoes in my ears and taste adds to the argument by informing me it's no longer worried about cotton mouth. Its tasting the salt of my tears; all this is blown away by the overwhelming screaming that Touch is doing. My entire head hurts, the left side of my face feels all swollen and hot. That sick, deathly hot of something broken and needing help to fix it.

I grit my teeth and Touch is happy to inform me that that is making the pain worse. I whimper, I don't need hearing to know that now. Everything is working perfectly. All my senses are again a seamless team and I'm aware of everything instantly.

And then they share something better with me. Her arms are around me. Her arm supporting me and with her other hand I can feel her caressing my face, the side that doesn't hurt.

"Shhhh," I hear her say. "Shhhh...."

"Buffy?" My throat is sore and I can barely hear myself what with all the ringing going on in my head. I'm not sure I can actually hear it, but I know its there.

"Shhhh," she says again. "Rest. I've got you. You're safe now, I'll watch. Rest."

"It hurts," I whine. A fresh wave of pain rolls against me and I bite down, try not to cry out. My stomach heaves at the effort. "It hurts a lot."

"I know," Buffy murmurs. "I know it does. Try and rest. I've got you, everything will be okay."

I want to ask her how she honestly thinks I can get any sleep with this screaming ache grinding in my head. But, I can't hear her anymore. Then I can't feel the pain, the sound of crickets, traffic and the breeze winks out and I can't taste anything anymore.

I'm warm though. Warm, comfortable and safe. She's got me.


Again the darkness fades away and the first thing I notice is the constant thrum of the life support system. Usually you don't hear it. It's always there but after a living here for so long you block it out. I'm not blocking it out now though. My mind latches onto it like a lifeline and uses it to climb out of the dark.

The next thing I hear is the regular beeping of a heart monitor. It's pretty close so my guess is that's it's for me. Finally there's my old friend the glow of the overhead lights.

"Great." I mutter reflexively. I tense up, expecting protest, an ache anything from my body telling me to shut up and not move. Nothing happens.

"Ah, you're awake Agent Finn." Dr. Walsh says. She's still here? What she watched over me or something?

I open my eyes slowly, the dull glow becomes piercing and I blink a few times as my eyes adapt to the glare.

"Easy," Dr. Walsh says. She's standing at the foot of my bed, clipboard in hand studying whatever it is that's clipped to the clipboard. "Take your time."

She doesn't actually look at me.

I slowly sit up and this does cause a few grumbles from my muscles but not anything I can't ignore. That's better. Now what's first, oh yeah, my report.

"Agent Riley Finn ready to make his report Ma'am," I say briskly.

"Very well Agent," Dr. Walsh replies, setting the clipboard aside and pulling up a chair. "Whenever you're ready."

She leans back, folds her arms across her chest and stares straight at me without blinking. Every time she does this I can't help but feel like something on an operating table. I fight off the urge to squirm uncomfortably. Keeping my eyes firmly focused on a spot just behind her I fill her in on what happened.

"Alpha Squad was on a bag and grab op for a vampire HST per request of the science division," I began.

"Yes, I know," Dr. Walsh interrupts. "I'm fully aware of everything that happened up to the point where you actually confronted the unidentified threat Agent. Please begin there."

"Yes Ma'am," I nod. "Upon entering the room we attempted to encircle the unidentified HST. We never had a chance Ma'am. Whatever it was moved far to fast for us to even begin setting up a containment circle. Within two seconds Agents Travis and Evens were down, Travis having been struck by Evens' own rifle when the HST dodged Evens swing. It was so fast Ma'am. I didn't even get a good look at it. That's the last thing I can remember clearly Ma'am. Everything after that is a blur."

"That's it Agent?" Dr. Walsh raises one eyebrow. "One second you're aware of everything in the combat and the next you're not?"

"Ma'am, up to a certain point, I'd guess about ten seconds after we entered the room, the HST was playing with us." I fumble about, my head is hurting and I can't really remember...hold on. "Ma'am the HST seemed to be laughing. If I didn't know better it was enjoying itself."

"Enjoying itself," Dr. Walsh echoes. "Then it suddenly grows, what, bored with you and proceeds to demolish your entire squad?"

"I'm...I'm not sure Ma'am." I say weakly.

"Be sure Agent." Dr. Walsh snaps, leaning forward in her chair.  "We can have no assumptions, or guesses in this line of work. Those get people killed. We need facts. You are dangerously low on them."

"Yes Ma'am. Just give me a minute Ma'am." I reply quickly. What happened? It's a good question, I now distinctly remember whatever that thing was laughing at us and then...then...right, then it was screaming.  Screaming, more of a full-throated howl. Why was it screaming? I'm sure we didn't get a hit in, so we hadn't hurt it so what set it off?

I try and remember exactly what happened. The civilian, she....

"Civilian's Jetting!" I remember Forrest shouting. What did I do? Standard procedure I ordered him to intercept. Then...the...a sound, the thing's laughing, Travis's screaming about his leg and one other sound. Two sounds really, someone hitting someone else and the shriek of a ...of a.... a woman being struck. Then the HST's how and after that...nothing, nothing but pain.

"Ma'am," I say. "I believe I have an idea what set the HST off."

"Please proceed agent." Dr. Walsh says clearly giving an order.


Things don't come back one by one like they did earlier. Everything just snaps back; systems online kind of thing.

I can't help but groan again. I roll over, or try to but find myself restrained. Slowly opening my eyes I look up and see Buffy's eyes meeting mine.

"Hi there," she whispers to me. "Feeling better?"

I work my jaw slowly, trying to get a feel for what the pain in my face will allow for and what it won't.

I settle for shaking my head slowly. "Not a whole lot.," I mutter. "Where are we?"

Buffy glances around quickly, "About thirty feet off the ground in a really big tree."


"We're in a tree?" I ask.

"What's wrong with trees?" Buffy answers my questions with one of her own. "They're big and strong. The leaves keep out the rain well enough, if it's raining, and tames the wind."

She's quiet for a few seconds.

"Topsoil," Buffy says under her breath. "I'm not sure where I heard this but I think that trees are important to topsoil. Though, I can't remember why. You're the supposed to be the smart one; you tell me."

"We're in a tree?" I repeat.

"Yes Willow, we're in a tree. I couldn't take you back to the dorm."

I try and touch my face but Buffy intercepts the move and gently forces my hand back to my side. "Let me."

Her fingers are cool, soothing and very light. My face still feels hot and kinda thick, her touch brings a blessed relief to the constant ache; so much so that I close my eyes for a few seconds just to enjoy the feeling.

When I open them again the sun is on the horizon.

"You're awake again?" Buffy asks, I'm still in her arms. Hours must have passed between one eyeblink and the next and she held me the entire time.

I move my tongue along the inside of my mouth, searching for sore spots, trying to anticipate how much actual movement may cause more pain. Other than a dull, steady ache everything seems relatively okay. Alright, my preferable definition of 'Okay' means no pain anywhere but considering how much it hurt a while ago I guess how I feel now can be labeled 'Okay'. Maybe even a 'Well enough'.

Just to be on the safe side I nod in answer to Buffy's question.

"How we feeling?" she asks.

"Livable," I say quietly. "In that, only because you're holding me and I'm right here that things are livable. If you weren't you and I wasn’t here yet in this amount of pain I might reconsider the benefits of this whole 'mortal coil' stuff.

Instead of laughing at my joke the shadows under Buffy's eyes darken and the light in her eyes fades away. Her jaw barely moves and it looks like she has to force the words out of the narrow line her lips have set.

"Don't say that," she hisses. "Don't ever say anything like that!" She puts strong emphasis on the 'ever'. I remember a dream, the way she speaks makes me remember a dream. Of a place with only one road and a door and a....a....guardian of some sort. I remember a dream but it wasn't a dream. It should be a dream, but its not I know its not, the brass sphere, Buffy's golden ball it tells me that what should have been a dream, wasn't.

Her eyes glare down at me and the dull ache in my head seems erased as...as...fear...fear takes its place.

"Uh...sorry. No more jokes about that then, my bad I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me I didn't mean it really!" I squeak in one long breathless speech. "Buffy you're scaring me."

Her look softens and my apprehension falls away with it. She looked so, so wild.

"I'm sorry Will," she says. Again her fingers gently touch my jawline. I begin to hiss in anticipated pain but there isn't any. She's that careful. "I should be sorry. I let them do this to you. I should have been faster, not so....so....stupid."

"Stupid?" My eyebrows shoot up and it only hurts a eensy teensy bit. Progress.

Buffy looks away from me, directly at the rising sun and it's strange but the light doesn't really touch her face. It should, but its not. Her eyes are still in shadow and while the golden light makes her hair shine and her skin glow, her actual face is still dark.

"I was playing with them, they come into my territory, as a clear threat and for some stupid reason I decided to play with them. Because of that they hurt you," she says.

Her eyes glaze over slightly and she's not looking at me anymore. 

"My territory!" she says in a husky voice. "My place, my home!"

"Buffy?" I ask.

"My territory! They came into my territory," Her lips are pulled back, her teeth clenched together, "They came into my territory and they hurt my-" She breaks off suddenly, leaving the sentence unfinished. Her eyes flicker over to me and in a much quieter voice she mumbles, "They hurt you."

Her body is shaking violently, the tension just pouring out from her in waves, even though she's not saying anything her breathing is harsh and loud, and ....its just not a good thing to hear.

So I do something that later on I will have to decide was very stupid, or very brave.

I reach out slowly and grab her wrist, the one with the tattoo that matches my own. I stroke the back of her hand slowly and softly, not saying anything, not breathing loudly. I then begin tracing the pattern of her tattoo with my fingertips, just following the loops and the whirling patterns and the lines that curve over and around themselves.

Just over and over again and, eventually, her breathing slows down a bit and her muscles begin to relax. Buffy takes a deeeeeeep breath and lets it out slowly. I smile slightly and kiss the back of her hand.

Then absently rubbing her hand with my thumbs I wait for her to say something, she will, when she's ready.

Ready happens to be rather fast. Not a minute has gone by when Buffy says, "Thanks Willow, I really needed that."

I glance up at her and though the morning sun has risen a bit more she's still...shadowed. Darkened. The light should have reached her face a while ago but...it hasn't.

"You're welcome but Buffy who were they?" I ask, I'm still wondering why the light won't reach her face.


She shrugs slightly. "I dunno Will. Which just makes my stupidity more stupid. I had no idea who they were.  I know they were human but, I had no idea of their capabilities, what kind of threat they were. I was just so damn confidant that I completely ignored stuff like that. When Giles finds out he's gonna flip."

I have nothing to say to that. A lot has happened that her Watcher is not in the know about; nor any of our friends. Buffy and I have been keeping secrets for a while now, big secrets and it's not going to be fun telling them. I don't know if we even can.

"I just played with them," Buffy repeats more to herself than to me. "And then they hurt you."

And then I remember. My running across the room trying to flip on the lights, the soldier grabbing me and his hating words. Then pain. Other than that, the pain, all I remember is the....is the....Oh God. The screaming!

"Buffy," I swallow, my stomach has gone all scrunchy.  "What exactly did you do to them?"


"So you believe it was Agent Gates' actions toward the civilian that caused the HST to go, in your own words, psycho?" Dr. Walsh peers at me steadily over the top of the clipboard, re-reading the notes she has taken during her interview of me. Interview? More like an interrogation. Ah well, who can understand the brass?

"Yes Ma'am." I say promptly. "Based on what little I did see of this HST's capabilities it should have been able to take us down at whenever it wanted too but instead it took its time,” I grimace at the truth of my statement. “It was playing with us. Up until Agent Forrest struck the civilian and at that point the HST became very er...serious in its efforts to overcome us." I wince a little as a particularly nasty ache in my shoulder flares up.

"Are you proposing then, Agent, that there is possibly some connection between this HST and the civilian? They are, perhaps allies or even the civilian is not human after all but merely another HST?" Dr. Walsh asks.

"It is a possibility Ma'am." I reply straight faced, still keeping my eyes locked on the wall behind her. The only problem with that is it keeps swimming in and out of focus.

"Interesting," is the only response I get from my superior. "What can you tell me of the HST's appearance Agent Finn?"

"Ma'am, may I inquire into the status of my men first?"

Dr. Walsh arches one eyebrow but gives me a slight nod. "Fair enough," she says. "Travis suffered only the broken leg he received at the hands from his own squad mate. Evens’  also was not hurt too badly other than several cracked ribs and broken nose. There are also severe contusions about his back and shoulders. You have taken quite a bit of punishment. The HST tore the muscles in your left shoulder, broke three ribs on your right side. We were actually worried about internal bleeding but it appears that wasn't the case. Your right ankle is sprained and your right eye is swollen shut."

That would explain why I can't see the wall too clearly.

She hasn't mentioned Forrest though. This worries me, the brass is never known to volunteer information but even they don't give half-assed reports 'specially when they know they've left information out. She just wants me to ask, why does brass do that anyhow? Shit. I mean, okay I am not to wonder why I am just to do and die but, Jesus, do they have to make everything such a song and dance?

Alright, alright. I'll ask.

"And Agent Gates Ma'am?" I ask. The wall swims sickeningly.

"Agent Gates, yes," Dr. Walsh murmurs. "He seemed to suffer particular attentions from the HST."

Oh man, Forrest is a bud.

"He's not dead," Dr. Walsh continues. "But every major joint in his upper-body has been hyperextended. That includes his elbows, shoulders and wrists. The HST even wrenched his neck but did not actually break it. We've kept him unconscious until we've had time to effect repairs. He should be fully recovered in a few days though."

"From extreme hyperextension Ma'am?" I can't help myself from asking. I know the Initiative has high level of tech but c'mon, fully recovered in a few days?

"Yes Agent," she says. Shit, when she doesn't even bother to use my name I know I've screwed up. "We have certain technologies not available to the regular community. It should hasten his, and your own recovery, nicely. You, yourself, should be fit for duty in about forty-eight hours. Forrest will, admittedly take a bit longer than that. One week maximum."


"Now Agent Finn," Dr. Walsh continues. "I believe you were going to attempt to give me a description of the HST?"

I try and force the wall into focus. "Yes Ma'am."


"So you didn't kill them?" I can't keep the relief out of my voice. I'm resting with my back to the tree, Buffy perched on the branch next to me. She didn't want to let me go but I insisted, and still do, that I'm fine. Teensy head-face-jaw-neck-and-head ache but fine.

Buffy shakes her head once. "Nope."

"Why not?"

"Because they were human Will," Buffy replies quickly, her tone flat and even. To my ears it sounds like she's trying to convince herself rather than me.  "You know that. I'm not sure why they were here, or where they were from but one thing I am sure of is that they were human."

"So you didn't kill them because they were human?" I ask.


I told Buffy I didn't care, and its true I don't. My love for her is unconditional but I want to get her to talk about it. Buffy doesn't like talking, I know this and she knows I know. Yet....yet I want her to be comfortable talking to me. About anything, not just safe stuff. Is that selfish of me?

Buffy is still looking at the sun. It has fully risen above the horizon now and warm, pink and gold light spreads across the earth, which is, ulp, about thirty feet down. I encourage my body not to move.

"No," she finally answers. "No, I didn't not kill them because they were human."

A tiny voice in my mind, a voice summed up from everything I know about Buffy, what I think about Buffy and everything I feel about Buffy informs me that that admittance of hers was not easy for her to do.

I decide to be quiet.

The silence is palpable; the air thick with things waking up around us, the birds, the flowers, the world. People are either waking up in greeting to the morning sun, or rolling over and pulling the covers over their heads. I'm in a tree, with a bruised face and a naked girlfriend waiting for her to talk to me.

Ten seconds pass, twenty, thirty, forty, I lose count at forty-four. Should I start over? I could, it would give me something to do I suppose. I look over at Buffy. She's crouched on the branch, her chin resting on her knees staring at the horizon, which still looks like fire. She has just told me that the reason she didn't kill the men who attacked us had nothing to do with them being human. I guess that means that she would have, could have, killed them. She probably hates herself right now. She knows that she could kill. She really, truly knows it and I guess she's punishing herself for that. I can't let her do that, I can't let her hate, or punish herself for just being...Buffy.

I reach out slowly, cramped muscles protesting the entire time and gently brush my fingers through her hair. "I love you," I whisper gently.

I watch the muscles in her back tense up and for a second I'm afraid she'll pull away from me but she doesn't. She hunches her shoulders a bit and then she is still. For a few seconds then a small tremor ripples across her, then another and another. She's crying I think but I can't hear a thing from her, just the shaking of her shoulders.

Buffy turns to me, yes, she's crying. Now the sunlight reaches her face and the tears sparkle in the sun, yet the shadows under her eyes remain. She reaches out to me and I pull her into a hug. She still makes no noise but as I hold her, and now its my turn to rock her slowly, her shaking eases a bit.

Into my ear she finally whispers, "That's why I didn't kill them."

"Buffy-" I try and start but she pulls away and gently touches my lips, keeping me from speaking.

"I wanted to. I can see it in my head so clearly," she continues. "They hurt you, and something...powerful wanted to break free. It wanted me to destroy them...."

She's quiet for a few seconds. Just breathing.

"Destroy them utterly," Buffy continues.  " I think I know this ...thing. Its what’s been making the night so comfortable; so attractive. It made the night feel right to me, like I belonged there and was a part of it.  I thought it was a beautiful thing but its not a beautiful thing, its terrible."

"No," I say around her fingers and reaching to take her hand in my own. "You're wrong."

"How can you say that Will?" she demands. Her eyebrows are narrowing, Buffy doesn't like when people get keep her from hurting herself.  "You were there, with the vamps and the blood, how can you not think that me, wanting to kill somebody is not a terrible thing. Or something inside me wanting to kill?"

"Two reason," I reply holding up two fingers. "One, do you remember what I said that night? With the vampires? Do you?"

Buffy looks at the ground far below, turning her face from me. I'm not sure she's going to answer but, "You said you didn't care," she mutters.

"Yes, exactly."

"What's the second reason?" again she looks at me.

"Because you didn't want to kill out of some need for pleasure or because the idea turned you on. It was a...a...primal thing. But its main source was the desire to protect." I place her hand over my heart, and keep it there. She doesn't try and pull away.

"That's what everything about you comes from," I say, keeping my hand over hers. "Your desire to protect. Maybe, depending what you were protecting, the reaction is more or less intense but its protection just the same. I mean, uh, we don't know who they were. What if....uh....what if they were some sort of Colombian drug lords come to do, ooh, who knows what kind of terrible things to us? Huh?" I raise my eyebrows, daring Buffy to disagree with that idea, unlikely as it seems.

Buffy smirks. I cannot believe how much of a relief it is to see that.

"Colombian drug lords in full camo gear with ray guns? That's a bit of a reach isn't it Will?" she says softly.

"Well, I could be more general and just say honking big men with mean looking weapons." I reply defensively. I'd cross my arms and pout but I want her to keep her hand over my heart.  "That's beside the point. What if it was still them, and the situation was, I dunno how exactly, but different so you only had the choice of killing them or losing ....uh....losing......"

"You," Buffy says. "Losing you. If it was that situation, Will I'd kill them."

"And I'd love you for it," I reply. "I really would because I know you, trust you and love you to do what you have to do but no more, and no less. You protect me."

Still holding her hand in place, I reach up with my free one and lay it gently against her cheek.

"Last night wasn't that kind of situation and you didn't kill them." I continue.  "Instead of beating yourself up over what might have happened why not um...give yourself a gold star for not doing it and doing what you did instead."

Buffy shoots me an odd look, half wary, half smiling then she silently mouthes the words, "Gold star?"

After a while she shakes her head slowly. "What did I do to deserve you?" she asks...me? Herself?

I answer anyway. "Healthy living." I say in total seriousness.

At that Buffy throws her head back and laughs and this time all the morning light covers her face chasing away the shadows.

Buffy finally pulls her hand free from mine, turns and nestles against me, being mindful of my injuries and we sit like that for some time, just being there.

"I love you," Buffy says after a few seconds of silence.

"And I love you," I reply kissing the top of her head.

A few more minutes of contented silence are enjoyed.

And then, "Come on, we're going to my mothers."

"Your Mom's Buffy? But, but what about clothes n'stuff? I mean you want to walk across town...uhm..."

"Naked?" Buffy grins at me. "It's too early on a Saturday love. We'll be okay." Her tone turns serious. "We can't go back to the dorm Willow, we have no idea of this new threat. I'm not taking any chances."

"Uh...okay Buffy," I shrug helplessly. If she thinks she can sneak across Sunnydale without clothes, who am I to stop her. Buffy usually does anything she puts her mind too but at what point, before now, did Buffy put her mind to something like this?


"We have established the probable identity of the civilian who rendered assistance to HST last night," Dr. Walsh tells me. "According to the school records the room you were in is registered to one 'Willow Rosenberg' and her roommate 'Elizabeth Anne Summers'."

"Summers and....Rosenberg?" I repeat the names, feeling them roll around in my head.  "Those names are familiar Ma'am."

"As well they should be Agent Finn, both these young ladies are in my introduction to Psychology class," Dr. Walsh replies. "One of the ones where you assist I believe."

"Yes Ma'am. I remember now," I say, nodding. "The redhead and the blonde, fourth row from the front."

"Do you have any idea which one was in the room last night?" Dr. Walsh asks me, still staring at that damn bored. Part of me wants to break it.

"I'm pretty sure it was Ms Rosenberg Ma'am. She has shorter hair than Ms Summers and, while I never got a good look at the civilian's face, I'm positive it was the same length as Ms Rosenberg’s."

"Very good Agent Finn," Dr. Walsh says. "Here are your orders then."

"Ma'am." I try and straighten up even more. "With all due respect...."

Dr. Walsh scowls, she doesn't like being interrupted. "Yes, Agent Finn?"

"Ma'am I'd like permission to go topside and arrest Willow Rosenberg for possible collusion with the enemy," I look my superior in the eye. I want to do this, I want to get this thing that put me here. "If she is some sort of ally we can get any and all information from her that we need through interrogation."

"Is that all Agent Finn?" Dr. Walsh replies coolly. One of her fingers is tapping on the corner of the clipboard impatiently. Not a good sign.

"Yes Ma'am," I reply.

Dr. Walsh sighs deeply. "Under normal circumstances, Agent Finn, your request would be given the go-ahead, however these are not normal circumstances."

What? I let my confusion be known. "Ma'am?"

"Two reasons Agent Finn, One," Dr. Walsh, looking at me again, holds up one finger. "Behavioral science doesn't know what to make of this new HST," she continues. "Clearly it is fast, strong and deadly. As you yourself have said, and the reports of your squad mates that we have concur with this assessment." Dr. Walsh pauses and her eyes lose their focus.

"What makes it doubly dangerous Riley," she's become distracted enough she used my given name. "Is that it clearly demonstrated advanced combat and tactical behavior. Most HST's we know of essentially charge into combat but this one, this one was different."

Again Dr. Walsh pauses.

Did she just lick her lips?

"It used your men against each other," she continues. "Dodging out of the way of Even's blow and so forth."

"Yes Ma'am," I reply again focusing on the far wall. "What does this have to do with my being denied permission to acquire Ms Rosenberg for questioning though?"

Dr. Walsh's eyes snap into focus and she stares right at me. I can't help it when my eyes flicker from the neutral place on the wall to meet hers. I want to look away, I really want to but I can't. She won't let me.

"We want this one alive Agent." Dr. Walsh says fiercely. "We want it alive very, very much. You do not need to know the whys do you soldier?"

"No Ma'am!" I reply fiercely.

"And you are prepared to carry out your orders to the letter?" Dr Walsh points at me. Daring me to challenge her, I know this look, drill sergeants carry the same look but no Drill sergeant I ever met had a look as scary as Dr. Walsh's.

"Yes Ma'am!" I practically shout.

"Very well then," Dr. Walsh says calmly. Her blazing eyes now, calm, cool, relaxed, normal everyday eyes. She glances again at her clipboard. "Here are your orders, Agent Finn."

"Uh...Ma'am?" I am hesitant to interrupt my commanding officer yet again but....

"Yes Agent?" Dr. Walsh snaps, back to using just the term agent. I really have to learn to shut up or I'll be on KP duty for the rest of my career.

"You....said....there were two reasons Ma'am?" I hope she doesn't take this personally.

"I would think that would be obvious Agent," Dr. Walsh says back to me. "The reason we do not wish to risk going in with force is that this unknown HST has already destroyed, single handedly and without any apparent effort on its part, our most able and skilled assault force." She pauses and I it takes all my willpower to keep looking at the same spot on the wall, not to lock eyes with her.

"You are the best aren’t you Agent Finn?" Dr. Walsh asks.

"Ma'am, Yes Ma'am." I reply automatically.

"And you command Alpha Squad don't you Agent Finn?" Dr. Walsh asks.

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am." I say fiercely.

"And is Alpha Squad the best we have?" I know where this is going but I have no choice to play along.

"Ma'am, yes it is Ma'am!"

"And how long did it take for this HST to destroy Alpha Squad, the best squad the Initiative has, commanded by Agent Riley Finn, the best agent the Initiative has?" Dr. Walsh asks me calmly, she's tearing me apart and using the same tone of voice she would if asking about the weather.

"Ma'am, just over ten seconds Ma'am!!" I shout out that last part. I don't think Dr. Walsh notices. The wall Finn, look at the wall, stay focused on the wall.

"Are you ready for your orders Agent Finn?" Dr. Walsh asks.

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am!!" The wall, the wall, the wall, look at the wall boy and you better get real good at it!

"You are to become aquatinted either with Ms Rosenberg, or Ms Summers. Preferably both. Once this is accomplished you are to turn your considerable charms upon  one or the other to get access to their life. Any information that is then shared with you, any at all, not just anything regarding possible HST contact, is to be reported to me, personally. Is that understood?"

Dr. Walsh short speech is said in a clinical, cold, precise manner which almost makes me burst out laughing, what she's said in the manner she says it. I don't burst out laughing of course, I'm a well trained soldier.

"Uh...excuse me Ma'am?" The words slip out against my will.

Dr. Walsh finally looks directly at me and now, with a perfect sense of timing, the room stops swimming and snaps into crystal clear focus. Ironically enough she's smiling at me, slightly. "You are to seduce one of them Riley," she says not unkindly.

"Or both of them if you think you're up to it."

This is so unfair! I don't want to do some stupid kind of undercover work; this thing took me and mine out neat as you please. I want to find it, track it down.

Damnit! I was trained to be a hunter not some god damned James Bond!

"What you learn from that ...mmm..." Dr. Walsh pauses. "Interaction is to be handed over to me. Now do you understand?"

"Ma'am, yes Ma'am." I reply automatically. It takes some doing but I manage not to clench my teeth while responding. Not that she'd care either way.

"Good," she nods and resumes looking back at her clipboard. What's on that thing anyway?

Dr. Walsh stands up, "Get some rest Agent. You have a lot of work to do."

"Yes, Ma'am." I nod, I almost, but not quite salute. "I'll get on it this Sunday."

Dr. Walsh, without a backwards glance walks across the room and out the door.

I sigh heavily, wincing at the stitch that causes in my side.

The door swings open and Dr. Walsh pokes her head in. "I almost forgot Riley, there's a stack of papers that need to be graded for Monday's classes. Just because you're in bed doesn't mean you can't do paperwork. They're on the table beside you. Hop to it."

"Yes Ma'am." I say again. She nods again and the door swings shut.

I ignore the papers on the table beside me, they're not important. What's important is finding the thing that put me here.

Fine, if that’s the way the brass wants it, that's the way I'll get it done. One thing's for sure though, once we get the thing that put me and mine here I'm going to find some way to thank it, personally.

So, I have to become all 'friendly' with these two girls eh? Probably just some giggly Californian schoolgirls. What do they know of the real world? Not much, heck, if it weren’t for projects like the Initiative they'd probably wind up some HST's main course.

I'll see them on Monday, after class. Home town Riley never could do no harm. I'll have to think about it a bit. Better get some info first.

I reach over to the intercom and flip the switch. "Yeah, this is Agent Finn in medical, I need the files on two students also residents in Sunnydale. Names are: Summers, Elizabeth and Rosenberg, Willow. I need that stuff in under thirty minutes guys, so hop to it."

"Yessir," the intercom blares back. "We'll have it to you in thirty."

"See that you do," I flick the intercom off. What to do until then?

I eye the papers on the table, and, with a sigh grab the one at the top.


Getting out of the Initiative is easy. Just say the guards’ first names, wave to them and they let me walk right on by without a glance nor a worry. It was a bit trickier getting in but that wasn't my problem in the first place.

The sun is well above the horizon  by the time I make it to the center of Sunnydale. Some of the shops are open and my window isn't due for an hour or so. I spend the time in a bookstore. I browse through some of the more popular fiction and decide on a paperback reprint of a thriller that came out a few months ago. I find it very amusing to read horror stories and thrillers now, considering I know what's really going on.

Afterwards I sit at the local coffee shop, I think its called the Mocha Pump, or Mocha Lump maybe. I order a muffin, some coffee and I eat my breakfast while flipping through the pages of the book. This takes up the rest of the time before my window arrives. Finally, time to go to work.

I walk briskly across the street, waving to an oncoming car that slows down to give me time to pass, and enter the phone booth. I don't need a quarter for this call. I punch in a long string of numbers that, are not actually a number but rather words; words that spell out are an incantation. We don't use just modern technology alone for our security.

The tone rings seven times exactly and then I'm disconnected. With the dial tone buzzing in my ear I say clearly, "It's me. Tell the council, the Slayers gone feral."

Then I hang up, exit the phone booth. I check my watch; yes I do have time for another muffin before my first class.


END-Third Lesson

Fourth Lesson Mad Hamlet Buffy Main Index